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abdul karim azeem

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Everything posted by abdul karim azeem

  1. would like to say I am Jaye_, and I did indeed catch this dub, so free literally ez
  2. american socceer national team doing bits ! !
  3. BRO WHEN I HEAR THOSE BEGINNING CHORDS I GET A BONER *clap* dudu du dudu dun dun dundundundundundun *clap* dudu du dudu dun dun dundundundundundun *clap* dudu du dudu dun dun dundundundundundun *clap* dudu du dudu dun dun dundundundundundun *clap* dudu du dudu dun dun dundundundundundun *clap* dudu du dudu dun dun dundundundundundun *clap* dudu du dudu dun dun dundundundundundun *clap* dudu du dudu dun dun dundundundundundun *clap* dudu du dudu dun dun dundundundundundun *clap* dudu du dudu dun dun dundundundundundun *clap* dudu du dudu dun dun dundundundundundun
  4. @CoffeeTea i feel like a proud father, all the best my brother. love u no homosexual behaviour on the other hand the demise off asylum has began, apd career cops @DarkKnight @skimancole have power on the server. mashallah we will all now pay for the sins of bullying the disabled.
  5. omg unknown rolando fat retard makes montag e ! !! REST IN PISS DANISH RETARDS
  6. LOL yes, i will trade my sofia shed and u send me 40 million on top, u can spawn in sofia shed and drive down to meth lab and cook mef
  7. certified cry baby makes cum montage super sussy baka moment
  9. nice montage but where is china music
  10. no, should come as part of the parcel. swear if u press suicide u cant get hospital
  11. hello ashton, you may or may not have noticed but i am not the one interested in buying the shed, so please stop addressing me like i am, thanks x
  12. ify man, i f0rget to clip half of the good shit, prolly doesnt help i have almost a terrabyte of clips of me bullying @Free Stratis u should try lowering, then u have control over ur aim. if u really cant stand low sensitivity, i would slowly drop it day by day by maybe .1/.2 . you wont notice much difference but itll add up for sure.
  13. devils marionette, whyos member used to own it. hes owned it for as long as i remember his name was BetaCuck pretty sure. he owned the one in the circle. dk if hed ever sell tho 🙂
  14. ChipotleGoatedOnTheSticks PS4GamerChipotle ScuFGaming__Chipotle jokinjg sir, do u play very high sensitivity or something because u hardly move and its very flicky, u should try go for better clips like multikills maybe at cartels or in domination.
  15. idk what i’m watching honestly, literally clipped trades after spraying 50+ bullets and left about 10 seconds before and after the kill. thank god the members of asylum can watch you press respawn did u clip killing someone at rebel at 5:17 or am tripping
  16. it is what it is this whole thread got people talking, talking about the new chinese gangs who dont speak english and have been rdming, other people have said they have been in the same situation also arose the issue about some discrepancies with admins and how some may ban for something and others might not nothing is that deep
  17. ? Nathan, u put the gay in gaymer fanboy keep replying
  18. GUYS LOOK I GOT AN IFRIT ur so mad L 1-0 abdul karim azeem
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