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Everything posted by lukee

  1. The loop doesent quite need to check every players position, just let who’s in those areas, and also the loop can probably be at a return rate of 100-1000 milliseconds as a 1 millisecond loop would be harsh on the lag
  2. Sometimes someone will be killed because someone thinks they are in a red zone, so a easy fix would to use the same script that tells you when you enter a red turf, for every kos zone which makes anyone in a kos zone names red (except for your gang mates or group members) which then tells you whether or not they are in a red zone. Since you can’t just check the map to see if they are or not especially at rebel or any other place with a large kos zone
  3. those are horrible, what im talking about is random mid tier loot around un-used militarry outposts or other locations around the map, the loot will definitely not be as good as treasure.
  4. Got a solid 7 laughs from Taco Bell bells 😬
  5. k https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/807301526036938843/933588216982958090/Untitled-1.gif
  6. Like I said, they don't have to add new locations bot alot of existing locations are just wasted, they don't have to necessarily be marked on the map, just not utterly useless.
  7. Altis includes many locations that are explorable and discoverable to those who haven't completely memorized the entire map already and for those who have there's really no reason to go anywhere other than the locations that are important, and that kind of just removes the entire "exploration" side of the game, and I personally believe if Asylum needs another side of playing I truly believe something that improves the exploration is a good option. Currently the only way of gaining non utterly useless loot other than buying it, is for combat (Rebel Airdrop, Plane Crash, UFO etc.) and a lot of new players wouldn't even bother heading to these features due to them being overpowered with many other highly more skilled players, and yes this does add a "challenge" to the game but say one would not like to risk there life over a MK18 and a MX with a scope or two, and they would like to play the more peaceful side of the game while also exploring new areas, other than just farming money and buying it, exploring areas and finding loot on the way is a very calming and nice experience because it does not include getting spinned on by some guy that's sweating in his pits with a keyboard loud enough to give you a headache. So how would this even become a thing, well the idea is to completely rip off rust I mean create new areas that are not included in the vanilla game that could be littered with middle tier loot., or just include it in already existing locations that have 0 purpose. Like military outposts. Another idea is to include some 13 IQ AI enemies in the area *cough cough wasteland* and for them to defend the location, but that most likely wouldn't be a good idea due to tHe MiSsIoN fIlE sIzE.
  8. https://prnt.sc/26go4w4 asking about 400k can go lower
  9. bro the uranium effect gives me a headache yall should switch it with like a plain green vignette or sum shit
  10. Everything in your guide I already do/know.
  11. Real Estate is a big part of Asylum or any Altis Life server in fact, and Real Estate has become such a good method of making money that the market of houses have risen very high, so high that almost any decent house is over 1mil, with very little that you can find under that. The Real Estate of the real world, and real estate of Altis Life has huge difference, which is building your own houses, *sounds a little crazy at first but hear me out* I think it would be a great idea that there can be a branch of Altis Civilians that can choose to work in construction, or have it as a side thing. If you could tell, you can find a lot of construction buildings around altis, *not all will be used* but I think it would be a great idea to have the ability to turn these into actual houses, which does seem impossible at first, but say you gather a absurd amount of wood, stone or other materials and have the ability to actually build a 1 crater at these construction buildings, and if you use even more materials you can build a 2 crater / 3 crater, which might be a little hard on the server but it should have it to where it takes 1 to 2 restarts to completely finish the construction process, you can maybe even build it in steps, use half the materials to turn it into a destroyed house *act like its just not finished* for the first restart, than next restart it turns into a fully useable house. In my basic knowledge of server development, there are identical houses you can build in the Editor and also modules to delete already ingame buildings, using these two factors you *theoretically* should be able to replace construction buildings with the same house models as those already in the server. *Also with the ability to change the color style of the house with like some new paint item or sum shit*.
  12. Looks sick but I hate that line in the middle of the back, I always try adding something there and it just splits it lol
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