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APD Sergeant
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Everything posted by Repto

  1. If this becomes a thing then APD should get them to launch flashbangs. Just to give you a good reason why maybe this isn't a good idea at all. The under barrel launchers allow you to lob grenades a much farther distance than just throwing them which shouldn't be a luxury anybody can have. I may be okay with seeing this if they only allow smoke grenades however. Would be a reasonable game changer to some combat situations.
  2. Welcome to the Asylum Forums. You're gonna see a lot of crazy here so hope you have fun!

  3. That first clip was a great memory. Top notch.
  4. Kind of like how UC cops can hide and show their tags, has it come to thought yet to add auto applied and removed titles to admins/mod's whenever they activate an ability they have? "God Mode Enabled" "ESP Enabled" And so on... Don't know, this may even flop. I just wanted to put my thoughts in because to me it seems like a good, do-able and responsible idea that I frequently wonder why it isn't a thing to my knowledge. Would certainly add some state of mind to those who think admins have an advantage when participating with civ's/cops, as well as help with reports when an admin or moderator decides to get an unnecessary advantage.
  5. Driving down the MSR at speeds of Mach Retarded and slamming into a tiny briefcase you didnt see coming up in the middle of the road is the best thing in the world. Please approve this.
  6. Repto

    Cartel payouts

    Isn't that the gamble of it though? You could bust your ass to win it and make a good payout, or it could be a bust. May increase drive to push more but then the gangs that already sweat them will actually be making a guaranteed profit off of them for not as much work compared to those that push and always get the L. God forbid one of the OG gangs manages to hold it all day.
  7. I like this idea too. Maybe not so much gold doubloons into bars though or even turning them into the emporium jewelry, just dont know how that would work well with gold bars and emporium jewels being illegal and all. They could also just approve this suggestion and leave those legality risks for people to deal with on their own, still seem's good that way. Would give good use to the charges for those two items outside of a federal event environment.
  8. Cant even spawn at athira HQ. Get's froze in the "You've spawned in athira HQ" screen. Super laggy.
  9. I apply for me and my brother In Game Name: Repto Age: 25 Are you a member of the APD (rank): Yes, Constable. Have you been banned on Asylum? If so how long and what for?: Yes, 24 hour for RDM. (Waited a second to soon before shooting a china gang after initiating on them on APD) Any previous Gangs: Vindicta
  10. I personally would love to see an introduction or reintroduction if it was ever in it in the past to the unarmed Blackfish and/or Xi'an into Asylum, I remember seeing them in altis life servers in the past everywhere. I just feel it would be cool to see a newer method of troop transport appear. I understand fast moving aircraft are already a thing and fast moving vtol's capable of troop transport might make everything pretty chaotic if they end up just being everywhere. Making it for high ranking whitelist slots only as well as having them marked as illegal vehicles and at Luxury end costs/bloodmoney would keep the possible overuse down to a minimum. I remember the good days I had once on a different server flying a blackfish all the way down to a tiny southern island to collect turtles.
  11. 14.5 Signature only shows 14 but I got boys helping put in for the bid.
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