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Everything posted by Maxx__

  1. What abuse has junke done? Has he touched you?
  2. Will you give me a kiss on release?
  3. There is always 2 sides to every story.
  4. Are cheaters being unbanned for this "wipe"?
  5. Maxx__

    group limit

    You are rent free in there head DK, keep up the good work soldier
  6. Maxx__

    group limit

    Sounds like you need a better gaming chair bozo
  7. Maxx__

    group limit

    Me and William are gay lovers, please stop the harassment.
  8. Maxx__

    group limit

    When can we go patrol in our ghost hawk?
  9. You were deff bullied off, had to make many many reports LMAO. Imagine @'ing me. Couldn't be me
  10. Kinda a crazy claim for someone who reported non stop because you got bullied off LMAO. Sad to see you couldn’t suck your way up the APD chain
  11. I think it’s all the banana he deep throats that gives it away tbh
  12. give me a kiss lil ass boy its pride month
  13. you know its bad when even crimson rats are complaining
  14. This community thought is over. Everyone quit because you don't ask for what the community wants till AFTER you change it. Server will not bounce back unless real change starts within the admin circle. Adding copy and pasted useless feds is not going to help anything. Copy and pasting different drugs will only work till the grinding becomes the same exact process as before. Real genuine content is what is needed. Not half ass copy and pasted shit that doesn't work. Hosting community events that aren't just a gun game. When @Fitzhosted the event in salts flats that was like a 10v10. That was actually what the community wants. Buffing the cash will help a lot, no one wants to grind on an arma 3 server for cash. (Not saying making it unlimited money off the rip) but allowing people to purchase items easier. New people have to get killed over and over and over in hopes to continue playing to make it to the top. Retention rate of new players seem to be extremely low. Battle metrics show a low amount of new people even joining. Bans should be more easy going, the current ban system is stupid. (Only has been reviewed since everyone decided to stop playing) Starting simple will help the server tremendously. Stop putting effort and energy in the stupid shit.
  15. Will you +1 my moderator app? Make asylum great again
  16. I will not stand for a moderator to disrespect me like this. I will be filing a complaint.
  17. Little too late for this Moderator @HunterB
  18. Allowing cheaters back on will not solve anything.
  19. I don't know any straight mf that deep throats pickles. U a lil faggot homie
  20. Would rather be fat than a faggot fr
  21. I can't compete with a banana deep throater.
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