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Everything posted by XDDDDDDDDDDD

  1. no smokes, server being blown to high hell, full price loadouts, people ratting ifrits to chop, points being set to 4k, flags far away from eachother when theres obviously less people fighting are a few things i can point out oh i forgot its also s1 dom xd
  2. ok guys the excuse last wipe or whatever the fuck that was "we are not hosting dominations as it FLOODS THE ECONOMY" then 4 months later u shut the server down and bring it back up and you give everyone their money back plz navigate to the host domination button and go back to a regular schedule of hosting these events because its what people want to play ty
  3. was ez, just had to top frag under your name for ya
  4. why are u pretending chainsaw is u thats me bruh
  5. 1 andrewfam that is the only one who is banned, moe got unbanned. so one person out of 20 can't play
  6. I mean hes right bro, it makes it really boring. everyone I play with in GLM has just said fuck it back to olympus and I dont blame them. this server is insanely outdated, it is pretty much the same from when I last got banned which is insane. there is a lot more content and much more better quality of life on other servers so I have been told, so they have all stopped playing. it really feels like the server is in a very stale state, it got really boring very quickly which is a shame as when it wiped it had good pop. Retaining those players and keeping them interested seems to have been an issue. Which can always be fixed if new content comes, but I honestly do not see that coming.
  7. the ming street killaZ givng these ? guys a rough time
  8. https://streamable.com/u6jda7 steam summer sale recruits push OG
  9. 10X more important things to be changing
  10. watching montages but dont even play because john lemmon is sidechat pvping you
  11. haha..bet you dont even have mouse 2 bound to hold breath
  12. they have been but it did not last long
  13. Yes, the weapon sway on asylum is terrible. crosshair is the size of africa after running for 2 minutes. don't even mention how big it gets when ur below 100 health
  14. yet its still better than anything you would ever make haha ur dogshit at dayz u would get rolled on there too. there is simply NO way on god's earth you pressed upload and thought. Damn this video is so good:D
  15. remember, the trolls ALWAYS win
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