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Everything posted by Addon

  1. 5 more and nothing. this is ridiculous at this point.
  2. bought more keys and got more of nothing!!!
  3. This shit is fucking rigged. 15 more keys down the drain. @Paratus @bamf please just hand them over.
  4. hopefully I can get pilot coveralls with my credits. If not... I don't even know what to say at this point.
  5. Hey @ParatusI've almost spent another $20 since this patch already, and the best I've gotten is a combat helmet. Please just rig one so I can finally get pilot coveralls.
  6. Got a duplicate item just now. Got $0.20 credit towards my next crate...
  7. @bamf what about our current duplicates? do we get credits for those or just the ones after the update?
  9. 1 like = 1 more crate I have to buy
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eWmL0bQbp4 jk fucking click baited. these aren't all of them, it's just the ones I've got recorded from when I have seen pilot coveralls in the cases / got close PLEASE FUCKING GIVE THEM TO ME.
  11. you do understand owning cartels mean absolutely nothing right? they capture the cartels after we all log off.
  12. always love hearing feedback from my fans!
  13. thank you. good luck ever getting in a gang worth mentioning.
  14. I killed 4 people at the cartel and "potato'd" one guy. No idea what you're talking about.
  15. Honestly think you're retarded. Not gonna argue with a 12 year old.
  16. i don't know why you guys are trying to shit talk... you had 10+ people there and we attacked with 4 and still won...
  17. Jungle Cheats holla at me. @Com
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r028yrthlYw s/o to @Carson for the pronunciation.
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