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Big Bird

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Everything posted by Big Bird

  1. Where is the prison on the map?
  2. Last I heard he was dancing on stream under the name of Alison Quinn. Here is the most recent picture of him:
  3. It was primarily people who play civ who suggested it. Nice try though.
  4. Big Bird


    I think only CMs or Devs can hard restart servers. Could be wrong though.
  5. S4 just went down about 10 mins before the hard restart. Really laggy and everyone ended up getting kicked. @bamf
  6. No, just unban Heavy Breathing.
  7. Never played LoL before but this looks like pure aids.
  8. @bamf Could you add the teamspeak and website and all to the map on s5? It is there on 1-4 but not on 5.
  9. Seems like a lot of people have forgotten that though.
  10. Damn. If only cops were given free loadouts. That might could fix the problem. Was on cop fighting like a 5v 4 prison and we kept getting wiped. I told everyone to stay back and pull individual sport hatches and push all at once. One cop refused to push with a free loadout because he didn't want to die again. It's not always about money but more about having the correct amount of chromosomes.
  11. I'm retarded. Nvm @Gnashes
  12. @bamf On S5 Mk-1s go in demand really fast since there is no way to craft them. Anyway to either make it so you can craft them or maybe just not on the market for tanoa?
  13. Wtf are you even talking about? Back to your turf retard.
  14. Would it not be possible to make it so you have to have the DLC to craft it? (I don't know shit about coding)
  15. Saturation is high right now. Bothers me now that you say that.
  16. What about carrier rigs? (Non-GA) It shows they have higher ballistic protection but after testing it, there is almost no difference between it and the carrier lite.
  17. @bamf I'm pretty sure s4 needs to be reset. Been at a constant 57 for about 2 hours now and connecting failed error message when trying to join.
  18. Been playing for about an hour and a half and s4 hasn't lagged at all. Let's hope it is the same during peak hours though...
  19. Without any discounts it costs about 25 to 30k (depending on if you want your armored snow man suit) from there you usually need a 6.5 or 7.62 (ifrit meta op)
  20. This obviously isnt going to be a reliable way of making money. More of just a fun thing to do.
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