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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Term

  1. Term

    Change log 7.7.0

    @bamfYeah people were robbing it every 10-15 minutes. It definitely didn't feel like 30 minutes had passed
  2. Term

    Too far

    From what I know the stuff you are saying about allstar and parker are complete lies. I don't know what your issue is but making these stupid accusations saying that he told us to use tac view is a lie because to this day I dont even know how to use it. This just makes you look pathetic.
  3. Well if a cop did do that then that is messed up
  4. Von was in our gang so im pretty sure @Ewephoric doesn't mind Great clip I remember when we had our fights with DS and this was definitely a highlight from those fights lol
  5. I think you forgot to mention some important things like picking that money up a bunch of times
  6. Term

    I need to fight

    He's a super saiyan.... duh dude
  7. @Jbdragon with that swift lethal at the end lol
  8. Bragging about coming back is not such a good idea lol
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