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  1. SouthPaw6 liked a post in a topic by tyler1 in Trump or Hillary?   
    Ken Bone
  2. goyney liked a post in a topic by SouthPaw6 in IŊV | Invasion - Disbanded   
    In-game name :Cpt. Chloroform
    Estimated Asylum Time: bout 3000 hours out of my ~3400 https://gyazo.com/dd421da7b9b421c783821ab9a703e2aa
    Bank Balance:~150K
    Have you ever been banned? twice
    Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak? yup
    Current and Past Gangs?So many: maruaders, DHM, FSA, Insurgo, Encore, and others that i cant remember.
    Why do you want to join our gang?
    looking into getting back into asylum gang life and i see a possibility with this gang 
     Do you know any members of our gang?
    Orphan, miller, l3sl13, and i think william (not sure about that last one)
  3. IndianapolisJones liked a post in a topic by SouthPaw6 in Karaoke Song Suggestions   
    Bohemian Rhapsody????? Plz?????
  4. Mahdizzle liked a post in a topic by SouthPaw6 in Server 6   
    Thought I saw a rco once....
    Krypton is right in the sense of having to work for your combat. Pre 6.0 (the good ole days), asylum seemed to have the perfect mix of RP and combat. You could rack up a 5 million dollar bounty (500k now) and go to a cop and talk for half an hour and then get pardoned. Nowadays on 6, or for any of the servers for that matter, I rack up my bounty and turn myself in to try and get some fun RP with the cops, talk for an hour (longer then the jail sentence) and then get a full ticket. FOR A GOOD STORY!  If you try and RP as a rebel, like ask for demands for a hostage or something, the cops will just go in guns blazing with no negotiations. If you try and RP as a civ, people will just blow you off in order to make money. I believe that the real reason that RP has gone to the shitter is that making money is harder and takes more time. Pre 6.0, people were not as worried to put gear on the line. Yes everybody had high powered weapons but they felt better with the risk of loosing them. One time I remember the entire Marauders gang walked down the center of athira (we were RPing as protesters or something) in full gear. We ended up getting our plan foiled by an RDMing cop. Son of a bitch.....
    Anyway, whitelisting the server won't help anything.  Take the APD for example. It is whitelisted, but bad apples will always get accepted and good people won't get accepted. The real way to fix it would be by making money easier for all people will be spending less time making money, more time fighting, RPIING, and having fun. 
    Srry for the essay
  5. °Juicyy° liked a post in a topic by SouthPaw6 in Server 6   
    @Gremlin I was just talking in general. There still are those who like RP
  6. SouthPaw6 liked a post in a topic by Zorrak in Server 6   
    There are plenty of hardcore RP servers, please go there if you have a problem... 
  7. SouthPaw6 liked a post in a topic by Addon in Gang life   
    First off I know there is a lot of hype for the the modded server so that is taking some of the players off servers 1-4 for a bit. 
    Let's be honest gang life is dying. Gangs are dying out, cartels are no longer fought over, and we see more and more people becoming career cops / quitting. 
    Back in the day (pre 6.0) you would see gangs hop onto other servers to find a fight and they would get one 90% of the time because back then cartels were extremely worth it. I remember Bad Blood always swapping servers to fight and although they were the biggest and most feared gang on asylum gangs would fight them because they wanted to keep their cartel because of the benefits they were getting from owning it. There were small gangs attempting to contest cartels because if they got it, then they would get a lot of money from Arms, Meth, etc. Then these smaller gangs would get more money and grow and start getting better and more experience. Before there was a big and decent gang on every server and smaller gangs on the servers as well that would try to overrun the bigger gangs. 
    Pretty much what I'm saying is give gangs more incentive to fight cartels / small gangs a reason to contest them and try to get bigger. 
    Arms - gives a discount & the money goes directly into the gang bank at the same amount as it did pre 6.0 (reduced to fit the new market)
    Drug - Keep it how it is with the processing benefits but give the old percentage back (adjusted again) and make it go directly into the gang bank. 
    Oil - take a percentage of the oil made and deposit it directly into the gang bank (similar to drug cartel) but keep the rubber at the crate as well to give people a real reason to fight the cartel instead of it being wasted. 
    Although alcohol isn't necessarily being used anymore considering the money drop on it - 
    Alcohol Cartel - Faster brewing alcohol & if you own it maybe it sells for more (?) *unsure how it would work just an idea - or if you own it you take a percentage of the alcohol made and it gets deposited into the gang bank. 
    Open for discussion - just curious what other people think and what others think could happen to make cartels worth it again. 
    Fighting cartels is what made asylum so big and popular (for the most part) and right now they aren't worth it. Gangs are dead.
    All in all. I miss all the gangs on asylum and people actually contesting cartels / server hopping for fights and getting them. 
  8. Jc dock liked a post in a topic by SouthPaw6 in Karaoke Song Suggestions   
    Bohemian Rhapsody????? Plz?????
  9. Olivia liked a post in a topic by SouthPaw6 in Karaoke Song Suggestions   
    Bohemian Rhapsody????? Plz?????
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