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AFD Advanced EMT
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Everything posted by TNT

  1. Oh yes, the box truck nuke!
  2. Bring back healing seat belts!
  3. TNT

    Change log 7.0.0

    Ticket speeders and pardon hit and runners.
  4. I had to bypass the block in order to watch it
  5. How could he survive the speedbomb? Also, +1 for AC/DC
  6. TNT

    Change log 6.9.2

    I always saw this as a feature, not a bug
  7. Like a fancy donor hat that give you discounts and higher paycheck when you wear it?
  8. There's a bug in the jumping script. You're unable to jump over obstacles unless you got a weapon in your hands. A Custom key for restrains/unrestrain would be nice. But more importantly, Give cops RoadCone_L_F #coneDeversity
  9. TNT

    Change log 6.9.0

    After the patch, debit cards cost $2500 instead of $250. And the Upper Class achievement doesn't give you triple paychecks anymore.
  10. Precinct 4 has always had a reputation for stomping on other precincts
  11. btw, first explosion wasn't my fault. Cops closed the garage door on themselves
  12. Last night I got hired by the APD to bring a car to Sidney police station. I think it went rather well
  13. TNT

    A fresh start

    North Korea, China, Russia, Norway e.g. It's called conscription. Check Wikipedia for a full list
  14. TNT

    A fresh start

    Hello Zoex The Belieber!
  15. TNT

    To Miss Evo

    This thread is amazing
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