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VIP Level 1
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Everything posted by Raza

  1. Boba Fett isn't dead Reaper. I stand to that! Renegade's "Star Wars Cartel Night"
  2. What is your in-game name?: Raza Timezone: EST / GMT-5 Screenshot of your hours on Arma 3: https://gyazo.com/b3c9c16cd84b7fdb81f2f2552353b025 What are you previous gang affiliations?: Blackwing, ATF, Renegade Why do you want to join Limitless?: Renegade vanished, looking to join up with a decent gang Do you have immense experience fighting cartels? That's all we essentially did in Renegade, so yes
  3. Just get yourself banned again so everyone can hear the complaining for getting perm'd. The last time was quite entertaining :D. But again, keep this thread to recruitment ONLY Kthanxbai, Raza
  4. Raza


    Good luck guys
  5. You got kicked from Renegade because you're pure toxicity and an rdmer that gave 0 shits. And L1on for liking his post, you got kicked for stealing 200k from the gang account and lying about it. Which is expected of someone of your age due to immaturity. Now if everyone will, keep this thread to recruitment only. Thank you Raza
  6. Just a little bumpage going on here
  7. Accepted for interview Ts info pm'd
  8. Im just confused.. please keep it to recruitment only
  9. Reaper update the damned roster lol
  10. Bump! Doing cartels in Hummingbirds since February!
  11. There IS a gang called this and WE have NOT disbanded....
  12. Then every Tom dick and Harry will be running around with cheap MXs and rival the cops even more than they already do. Just spewing off a possibility
  13. Don't know why I'm bumping, but bump
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