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Everything posted by ChicoXL

  1. I have no bans for combat storing a hunter in kavala
  2. If I recall. You played with a blatant cheater for several months and then when bratva remade played with even more blatant cheaters. Sit the fuck down you mong
  3. More kills then you lil buddy. Id say all that time in rodo paid off.
  4. Over a year later and your still here
  5. Asylum is more enjoyable once you dont play on the servers and just comment on the forums. Feel free to try it.
  6. Does something illegal when there is clearly enough cops to patrol everything complains when he gets caught.
  7. Your crying because 5 cops show up when your doing drugs instead of 2? Trash player.
  8. I want a police HQ too so I can arrest said mass murderer's.
  9. ChicoXL


    norecoil.exe on uplay. 1st game after I posted this I ran into 2 hackers
  10. ChicoXL


    +1 if ur a finka main
  11. ChicoXL


    NA siege players hmu SoloQ is rough rn
  12. ChicoXL


    Fixed it for you.
  13. ChicoXL


    What do people think when they see you step outta your dads 2008 avenger with a 4k watch.
  14. Atleast his works. Same cant be said about someone else in DS
  15. The quality of these videos has dropped drastically.
  16. Grind money get better gear PvP?
  17. RP is always high on my priority list whilst wearing my uniform.
  18. You must not have read the SOP's 1.While on duty you are expected to role-play and follow all server rules at all times. 2. You should role-play all situations to the best of your ability. 3. You are to remain in character at all times when you are playing as an officer of the APD. They talk about it quite a lot actually. You should give it a read sometime.
  19. Look like you made a shitty APD policy Placed the blame for its removal on "Rebel life has changed" Its been the same thing for the the past year You would think having a CoP who USED to be a "Career Rebel" would use his head a little before instating such garbage policies. APD isnt about combat young clinty. Yall wanna get your head ripped so bad get on civ get a loadout and give me a location.
  20. The APD under your Tenure has been the shittiest APD yet. Stop acting like the whole "people just fight cartels" started after you made that shitty cartel policy. 95% of your CoP tenure has been play dates you monkey. You want APD vs Rebel action host an Event worth something. Your CoP hand out some points to the little monkeys on the APD who cant follow simple instructions.
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