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  1. Sleeper Don liked a post in a topic by Motivate in Where do we go next?   
    i like the way its going i just say make ifrit's cost more so there's less on the map
  2. Vortex liked a post in a topic by Motivate in Where do we go next?   
    i like the way its going i just say make ifrit's cost more so there's less on the map
  3. Motivate liked a post in a topic by Gen. Henry Arnold in Make the Zafir craftable with hard to obtain materials.   
    It's a evidence lockup exclusive weapon at the moment, never removed. There are plans to update the crafting system and bring new ideas into it
  4. Bronx liked a post in a topic by Motivate in Only one federal event can happen at once? Should be changed.   
    all these cop's wanting to play easy mode.....if theres more then 12 cops on it should be aloud and they should have a 2 life rule at each event so i dont see why they cant participate in both events as all events take awhile to complete. and being in a Teamspeak with all the people should promote better team work so that way cops dont have it on easy mode afk to make money because with a team as big as they normally have we should promote that they get better not just leave it on easy street.
    because this is true so why not train our officers in real world events....at least give it a go and see how it works out as there is 1 server now not 4
  5. Motivate liked a post in a topic by Patato in DoEsn'T CoUnt aS rdM   
  6. Motivate liked a post in a topic by Jesse in this server is hurting because of lack of things to do   
    That's 2 times a day. Just when you were on... What about when you weren't?
  7. Motivate liked a post in a topic by RonnyB in THANK YOU for V2   
    I have two things to say. 
    1) To all who were involved in V2, @Jesse and whoever else was involved in rewriting the mission file from the ground up, Thank you. 
    Obviously you care about the community and I think you have done a wonderful job. The server feels extremely stable and it hasn't felt this smooth in the last 5+ years since I've been around.
    Thank you for the work you put in; it really shows and I am happy we have an owner like you. 
    2) Asylum has never felt this fun in the last 2 maybe 3 years. V2 helps a lot as there is no fear of d/c or bugging but I have to tell you guys not having Bounty Hunter in the game is awesome. 
    You can walk around with a bounty now and not be scared of being downed from 200 feet away with no initiation anymore. Even with the population at 60/70% I am finding civs in every city hanging out. Athira is fun again.. civs are friendlier to each other and I have had more conversations with people in the last 3 days than I have probably had in the last 3 months because people aren't afraid to let their guard down and hang out and chill out in cities anymore. 
    PLEASE remove BH completely. If people want to BH they can apply for cop.. its easy.. why do we need cops and BH? Also, most BH i talk to said they don't even bother with large bounties as they are uncatchable anyway.. BH sucks and it kills city life (which is important for new players.. which we need!). 
    Nobody should have the ability to affect up to 1 hour of your gameplay and have the option of NOT roleplaying...
    TLDR; thank you for V2 it is amazing and the servers are 100x more healthy without Bounty Hunting.
  8. Motivate liked a post in a topic by Defragments in V2 feedback   
    Been playing Arma 3 for 7 years now?? Since 2012?

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