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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Foamy

  1. I think your gun was the problem, buy a real one and it will work.
  2. This is relevant to 3 ppl.............................
  3. Its for the spawn close to rebel not the actual garage function
  4. nothing more than a donor town pistol banger kys baddie
  5. Most people on Asylum post montages of cartels not killing AI with good editing, huge difference
  6. I go max speed which is like 435km all the way there then a sharp turn flaps down once, at the end and land anywhere for 180-200 km @TheCrestedPenguin
  7. I make all my $$ doing drug runner missions and have never ran out of fuel not sure what it could be but i can always help @TheCrestedPenguin
  8. You are able to do all drug runner missions even two 7 minute ones with the amount fuel given, try landing faster or doing better routes.
  9. hes bronze 2 and posting montages ksing his teammates feelsbadman
  10. Put flaps down twice and you can take off at 115km @Smok3r33f3r
  11. Server: 2 Town: Meth Lab 1 70k. 1 120k 2k from meth lab both of them going super cheap https://gyazo.com/5fd0d875d7530d6255eed6303b77841e
  12. #FreeWilliam https://youtu.be/EFRWeMyehEM
  13. I'm sure it was good but that song was worse than @williams ear cancer
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