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Hanzo/Dirty Scrubz

APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Hanzo/Dirty Scrubz

  1. Same, I downed a player and the hot key never worked so I had to resort to a clunky scroll wheel option.
  2. Have you considered creating a backstory for Asylum Altis Life so that users can read it on the forum and base RP around it? I realize not everyone will know this but eventually it will catch on, especially if there's a welcome message advising new players to follow a link and read up on it and to craft their RP around it.
  3. LMAO! Its mine Term! Don't fuck w/my daddy, he'll bitch slap you all.
  4. Why not simply add a cooldown? Right now the alternative to a player not willing to be restrained is they're going to be shot, how is that any better? Its just going to lead to them raging more at cops than before. Since I've been a cop on server 4, I haven't once seen a cop exploiting this restrain function and that says a lot since I've got a lot of hours in. It's like fixing something that didn't need it. Pfft Genji..
  5. I have yet to see anyone abuse it. IMO this change was completely unnecessary and just makes being a cop more cumbersome. If addAction wasn't so AIDS and buggy to begin with then maybe there'd be some merit to this but come on.
  6. It's fine the way it is and besides all this stuff is just armor level I. We're not talking armor level IV items that really make someone wearing them a bullet sponge. I suspect most of the complaints of people being bullet sponges has to do with Asylum/ARMA lag than it does carrier lite.
  7. It was definitely a sight to behold. Here's a first person view of it all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PaOyNTSlZY
  8. I mean no offense but you are an admin and could have a biased point of view. I'm not saying all admins are going around doing this but it has clearly happened to members who have posted in this thread.
  9. God like with the ability to spawn the gear they need at anytime and load up their houses with it or simply bring in a loaded crate as Bikstok noted. Add that with unlimited money and it creates a very unbalanced situation, especially when you have these same admins going around and fighting against players who don't have unlimited resources and have to work for everything they have.
  10. High admin paychecks would solve the money/grind issue without giving them infinite money.
  11. Are you 100% sure it was an admin and not a hacker? Because if you have confirmed evidence it was an admin, then present it to everyone on the forums as a cause for why this shit needs to be removed from them. I'd frankly be livid if this happened to me.
  12. Then create an admin paycheck that takes that into consideration. There are viable solutions available to take care of these concerns. As of right now, it is extremely imbalanced to have God-like players running around with scripted gear and money fighting against normal players. I'm amazed @Paratus even allowed this in the first place.
  13. At the very least this needs to be done but IMO it needs to be taken a step further with restrictions on the amount of $ they are allotted and most of it should be put to use for player compensation and/or events rather than personal use. If they want to participate in gang/cartel fights, play like the rest of us do and earn your money and loadouts.
  14. I completely agree with this and to be honest, admins should not be involved in any cartel/gang fights period. It tips the balance too much in their favor and is unfair to normal players, who thought this is a good idea?? If they want to fight cartels, force them to use a separate account where they have to show that their admin account has not directly or indirectly sent them money or gear. Keep a tight watch on them and make sure it is not abused. At the end of the day, the players are who make Asylum what it is and if you abuse them, you will lose the community's trust and ultimately they will stop playing here and/or contributing to Asylum financially. I have personally been a victim of admin abuse in the past and it was very off putting and I guarantee I'm not the only one. That said, I have had good experiences with the recent admin team (e.g. Robbo/Dredge) and I think they're doing good work. Despite that though, I still think what I said above should apply to all admins.
  15. LOL that's great, good job. It does show that UC is broken though and needs an overhaul. I'm going to try out what you guys did
  16. If that's the case he should still be removed from Asylum until he gets a better connection. It's unfair to players that are victims of his shit connection.
  17. Normally hate country music but that one had good lyrics.
  18. If Paratus takes a break from Identity and fixes up Asylum + adds some new kick ass features, then yeah 8.0 will be something to look forward to. Otherwise, well, just another update.
  19. Almost every patch caters to rebels, what are you whining about? This new prison dynamic makes the prison break more fun for both sides.
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