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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. kavala asylum 101: run weed buy bounty hunter lisence pistolbang someone with a highbounty buy a house start a group Kill cops Lose everything Repeat
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA8rhf2KVzs
  3. Johnny

    Hi There

    you dun goof you need to say you are 17 and you get to be a cop
  4. Stay away from @massi, he will turn you into his bitch
  5. Denied Sorry, your game time does not meet our current requirements, But we appreciate your interest. Thank you for your interest in Bad Company
  6. Johnny


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ_N43i0lys *Insert finger jokes below*
  7. Johnny

    College Apps

    doubt any college apps will accept someone with your gpa. what are you a fucking native left-handed single abused mother?
  8. Johnny

    College Apps

    though i think sitting in a chair and playing arma 24/7 is not really a life
  9. Johnny


    Plz @Paratus <3
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