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Everything posted by Reapered

  1. Where's the blooper clip from nmd where you shoot a guy out of a flying ifrit sick tage my dude
  2. Reminds me of silvers making fun of bronze kids when they are just as bad
  3. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0BweKivYDBg xd
  4. Screaming is welcomed in tenacity ts
  5. should've known u were a filthy tryn main
  6. you might have said this before, but why don't you add a cartel log in message?
  7. One of the largest recruitment threads ever and its 95% memes and 5% apps. Its lit
  8. Reapered

    Indie games

    Enter The Gungeon is fun if you have nothing to do.
  9. heres my official appilication https://vid.me/4AMz youtube wouldnt let me upload
  10. If you want to save your vehicles from rebels, dunk them into the ocean (make sure its all the way inside the water) and it will despawn into your garage.
  11. @Corgi @Mate @Vanilla Coke @C h u r c h The meme team needs to unite once more to battle these scrats.
  12. its rare moments where vanilla coke gets serious and when he does you know you're in his shitlist.
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