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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Reapered

  1. If it isn’t clear by now, Clint is still the real owner, he just handed these 3 devs the ability to make decisions so he can fuck off and not have to deal with all these retards.
  2. someone archive this legendary thread before asylum forums go down
  3. the only thing that needs wiping is that drool off your lip lispy fuck
  4. @HunterB if it doesnt go the way you plan, is there a contention plan to revert the wipe after x amount of days
  5. incoming announcement, RoguePilot's making a new game called Identify. gofundme will be posted, with donor rewards up to thousands of dollars
  6. There should be a Gnashes role to insure the Community Manager can perform his duty's correctly
  7. 10 years people been askin/arguin why Asylum's dying, why's this shit still here if yall keep saying it
  8. hey man those allegations were unproven, whoever did it just wanted asylum to catch up with the times and move to discord
  9. I didnt see nothin about getting my admin back
  10. if u want real content wipe the apd and let the beastwood start from scratch
  11. i grinded my mineys 4 years so i culd sit in atira to chat and sit in my 15 mil houze
  12. Is @Azeh too busy harshly critiquing good albums or something? Mans gotten lazy
  13. nobody sell him a house, don’t let him get hooked on this game again
  14. it’s not about owning what’s deserved, it’s a fucking video game. Imagine the race between everybody to make as much money as quickly as they can to buy back their primeg houses, if you can’t see the value in springing back life/progression into the game instead of sitting in your prime kavala square house 24/7 then idk what to say.
  15. if asylum continued on to arma 4 and they made money/any progress carry over, what would even be the point of playing the new server. If anything they should be wiping the server once a year cause the games so fuckin stale everybody is megarich. game was so much more fun when it first came out cause everybody was poor and pulling an orca/ifrit was considered risky and a huge loss if you lost it. People fought tooth and nail over cartels cause of the money and huge conflicts over drug runs. People used to cry over admins just having free loadouts and playing with gangs, now its seen as normal cause 9/10 players have access to disgusting amounts of cash. Look at other games with servers like rust/dayz, hell even fuckin Escape from Tarkov wipe their entire game just to keep it fresh. Idk why people here are so against getting their shit wiped, some of the oldest players have probably held houses for almost a decade. If asylum wiped the server annually, id be on all day every day, getting that anxiety on my drug run cause i know if I lose this im fuckin back at kavala picking apples again for a car.
  16. when liberalism starts causing the government to use tanks to run over it’s own citizens I’ll start to worry
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