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Everything posted by Reapered

  1. save up money and get this moniter https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00B2HH7G0/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  2. When you leave your gang but miss the best memer
  3. Bruh this isn't league of legends where it clear cut text logs only. Admins can't sit in every location on the server 24/7 waiting for people to break the rules and they certainly can't ban people just based on peoples word alone. There's nothing you or anybody else can do to change the current system other than admins can be more active. But seeing as admins have lives as well and are not payed to run this server, your shit out of luck.
  4. Baby boomers were a huge part of television and music history, and now they are starting to die off. Add in drug abuse so probably a lot more deaths of celebrities are soon to come in the next few years.
  5. You should be happy this is happening, you are breaking asylum forum records!
  6. So you guys can mess with CSATs without breaking any monetization rules? Olympus admins told everyone they couldn't remove a certain feature on their server because people donated for it and it would break monetization rules.
  7. People didn't pay for the cosmetics and would probably still violate Bohemia's rules if that's the case.
  8. I don't think they can remove them because people purchased ingame content to have access to them. If they removed them, it could be in violation of monetization? not entirely sure how it works but an olympus admin said they couldn't remove certain features because people donated for them to be implemented so it might apply here as well
  9. http://puu.sh/t0ZQJ/ca00fbc426.png when a girl logs in to play cop
  10. A low tier calling someone a low tier
  11. where's all your clips from olympus gang wars, heard you got 15 kills.
  12. was this made in powerpoint? ily william
  13. where's that montage you posted a month ago? Probably the most cringiest montage iv ever seen
  14. @LmfaOExde3 you say im bad but i have an entire gang named after me, wheres your fan club ya english scrub xd
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