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Posts posted by Reavantos

  1. The moment you take donations to keep servers running, those donators feel they have a say or "stake" in the community (regardless if its true or not). and feel they are entitled to make such suggestions. its the nature of the beast. If you allow people to give you money to stay running, your going to have to deal with these certain aspects / issues. From the business side, you want to keep the players happy so they donate more. From the ownership side you have a vision, and you intend to stick to that vision. So you have 2 ways you can do it, and most people lean to doing what they want at the expense of losing possible income. Is their a easy way to find balance in running a community like this? hell no. But ultimately, if you love what you have made. you need to consider how to ensure its longevity and viability in this market. which means :compromise.

    TLDR: its ok to stick to your principles. But if you really want to grow and survive, compromise is key. 

    Ricky Spanish likes this
  2. 6 minutes ago, Mahdizzle said:

    Come play rebel and see how it is seems like you have been playing cop for a while now :)

    thats funny as i play more rebel than cop. (keep making ASSumptions though. this thread is doing wonders for your gang cred)


    back on topic. unless all the cop slots are the server fill up. i dont see it being a issue. now 30+ responding is just silly. we are cops. not zerglings. ands really backup calls are rarely answered. hell. i dont even bother asking for one when i am on cop

  3. Just now, Mahdizzle said:

    but yet you can still comeback without having to pay anything :) if you start with some better "tactis" you might get us unless you wanna bring the 20+ cops and take the lazy way out :)

    if you think im comming back to bank with a 5.56 your nuts. if its such a sore subject. maybe you and your gang should just "get better" and fight other rebels at cartels / turfs

    Olivia and Reformed epTic like this
  4. Just now, Mahdizzle said:

    But rebels have already been nerfd, it's not like you guys have to pay 30k to get a full loadout, it's not like a strider cost 100k or a heli plus we can only be 10 in a group but like i said if there is 10 guys sure bring back up but is 5 rebels that big of a problem that you need 20+ cops? 

    no, i just have to pull a orca ( and likely lose 100k for your amusement?) Just to get to you when your on a elevated and far more defense-able position than us rolling up on the ground. so you have a huge advantage and we try to even the playing field with numbers.   

  5. Just now, epTic said:

    You tell me what tactic to use when it's 2 constables and a cadet vs 10 rebels who love sitting prone on the roof of a bank and I'll gladly fucking use it. 

    re-read my post broseph.No idea how you misunderstood that it was direct at his failed logic

  6. 17 minutes ago, Mayhem said:

    Listen , you don't like when it's 5v20 in the cops favor, but what about when there's only 4 cops and there's 10-20 rebels, then we get screwed so yes we will need additional help, however we don't control how many cops attend.

    This, hypocrisy is rampant here. if a officer made a thread complaining about rebels logging on to help friends at banks it would seem silly.. as is this one. maybe have better tactics?   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    scen7edcandle likes this
  7. 10 hours ago, Volunteer281 said:

    That statement really reminds me of old DayZ. The cops are the zombies. When you first started playing you didn't really have anything. You would sneak around Cherno or Electro scared to death you would agro a few zombies with nothing to kill them expect with a hatchet or a shitty Makarov. Once you got deep in the game and became an experienced vet you began to not fear zombies at all. In fact you found them to be annoying little pests that would just bug the shit out of you while you are trying to snipe some guy 800 meters away at the NW Airfield with your M107. 

    Just like the zombies, when you first started playing Asylum you actually feared getting caught by the cops. Now you just see them as annoying pests that bug the shit out of you. It's just the evolution of players in DayZ and Asylum, imo. 

    that is a fucking beautiful and 100 correct analogy.. (still play a2 overpoch..love it)


    I think its a case of the focus on asylum shifting to encompass more variety. its use to be the cops vs. rebels as the main focus. but with so much added, that seems to be not the case anymore. which has both positive (new players joining and doing other things) as well as negative (less epic fights, less reasons for big gangs to stick around, veterans of server getting bored).


    it really is a double edged sword. do i agree with all the changes? No, do i sometimes feel like their is a wiff of arrogance in asylum development that reads like "whatever we do, they will eat up and continue to donate"   yup...

    But that being said. i do think the positives outweigh the negatives...but just barely. I think some real community interaction is required and a actual development plan made.


    and yes inb4 "owner does what owner wants, his servers" 





    Chapo likes this
  8. 35 minutes ago, Wildcard said:

    I'm not one of those well-known guys in the Asylum community, but I am certain a few of you have played with me or killed me numerous times, but I just wanted to say goodbye and that I will miss all the shenanigans.  I am leaving the U.S. and my internet connection behind as I deploy overseas again. I can't divulge any info as far as location, but I will be doing convoys.  Luckily for me, I've gotten a lot of practice doing meth runs with the entire gang while all driving HEMMTs and FSA trying to blow us up.  But ya, tonight will be my last night playing, as I head out for pre-deployment training soon. If i don't see you tonight, I'll see you guys next year!!! Take care Asylum community!



    Also good on you for not sharing too much info, it drives me nuts when people do that and put other soldiers at risk. stay safe!


  9. Per snatch:

    Illegal firearm charge IS 3500$ now. DO NOT charge them with "failure to stop". You can reduce tickets within reason per guidelines. but refusal to properly charge officers is grounds for punishment and is considered corruption per snatch and captains. this is  MUST to pass along. Note all briefings in discord for reference.

  10. Buckwalter pretty much hit the mail on the head. The supergang issue forced the APD to "tense up" a bit. That issue has long past though. I do agree that the APD needs to relax and be more RP-centric. As white listed officers we should set the standard. That being said people can have bad days. Keep in mind we are still REQUIRED to respond to certain events and some gangs like to do those events continuously. The reason i bring that up is some people just dont do well with the mental transition from the big fight back to normal duties / RP. (not sure what to do about that issue). However, a good RP and a joke works 60% of the time, every time.  


    But, if the officer(s) continue to straight up robocop you, Please find a SGT+ and let them know. We cant fix issues if we dont know they exist.   


    And if you feel your rights were violated or a officer did something he shouldn't. Please, please make a IA report. I know they are tedious but they help the community as a whole.



    D the G likes this
  11. 49 minutes ago, allan thomas said:

    admins need to do something about this rdm shit :/ gets annoying especially when you spawn in and you get killed before you can even see lol... 

    like yea a solution people suggest , get out of kavala, which i do i go to pyrgos and sofia alot, but it happens everywhere xD like how can you report someone if you need 5 minute footage of before he rdm'd you, if you just spawn in and get killed....

    If your just spawn killed as long as you have the complete footage you will get action taken on it (source: has happened to me)


    You can use OBS to record if you dont have a nvidia card, hell some people prefer to use OBS anyways...


    Record and report can be time consuming. but it works, and really it the only way to make sure repeat offenders are delt with

    BioHazard likes this
  12. 1 hour ago, Goldberg Attorney at Law said:

    This thread pops up every few months when a new flavor of the month game is released.  I've seen this type of thread in one form or another for two years.  One of my favorites was that GTA 5 RP servers would kill Asylum.   People come and go.  If you're enjoying it great, if you're not find something else.  If you're concerned the game is dying: concern yourself with something else that you can control.  

    The populations really are not bad considering a new hype game was released this week, and a new mod server that a lot of people are trying to play in-between the massive DDOS that it's receiving.

    This, also the division probably has a lot to do with this...

    The following DLC came out for dylng light..


    EVE just got some new hotness added to it...


    SEVERAL reasons the pop could be down. 



  13. 4 hours ago, allan thomas said:

    like 15k isnt much, but when you get rdmd 5 times ina row, it starts to get costly ;) nopt to mention when i report faggot rdmers ... admins take DAYS or weeks to check reports, and by then the kid has already rdmed everyone for days, and moved on to another server lolol , its getting pathetic... not to mention the admins dont really care, theyre all focused on server 6... but what can you doo :) every server has its time to end...

    you lost any credibility the moment you used the word "faggot"


    also, the longest i have EVER had to wait for a report to get delt with was a day, and that is right after the hacker bullshit. 





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