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Posts posted by Reavantos

  1. Just now, S_Tactical said:

    Because servers 1-4 will be near empty whilst everyone floods the new server.

    maybe temporarily? also i doubt server holds 400 people.. so i think we are good...


    Just now, Olio said:

    You realize the modded server is Asylum....so not sure why RIP Asylum?

    How dare you bring logic into this conversation! /s

  2. Update for corporal application/ promotion policy:



    1-10th we will discuss applicants and allow them ample time to apply

    10-19th We monopoly will make the voting sheet in which time we will provide our feedback. and the end of that it will be forwarded to the capts.

    We will be doing only 1 round of voting. 

    we are working on making the promotion process as quick as feasibly possible.

    1st month requirements not met = warning

    second month req not met = removal

    minimum 5 hours or more a month as corp to remain on precinct 4

    Any additional question should be pointed towards  monopoly/beenie while we further iron out the policy.


    we are looking into 25+ hours ratio no longer applies (for current corporals). Below 25 hours is 50/50 req. But that is subject to Capt approval.

  3. 3 hours ago, 《New》 Krypton 《wəN》 said:

    The rule should have never been changed to give more rp. People play asylum for fights and kills, only those who suck complain about rp.

    it was changed because people would text "your dead" then shoot you. you want to do that crap? there are other game types for that.

  4. 5 hours ago, Chau said:

    Or you could get out of your car and use your voice.

    Most of us try, but the moment we say AP we cant even get the third letter out before we die of acute 7.62 lead poisoning. 

    lets face it. shit like this will happen and be annoying in a minimum RP server. admins are doing their best to clarify the rules of engagement for both sides. But people in glass houses are totally throwing stones right now.

    Gatorade likes this
  5. 1 hour ago, CapnGlock said:

    It has come to my attention that while working as a medic this happens waaaay too often.

    Players will request a medic all the way across Asylum (10,000km+), I will notify them I am enroute to there location (via medivac!) and before I arrive at their location they will respawn! This wastes my fuel and my time and while speaking to several other medics today they agreed with me that it is very dissapointing and the big downside to being a medic in Asylum.

    I think, as well as the others, that if a player presses the request medic button, they be required to wait it out until their bleed out, after all, if we do not make it to them by the time they bleed out a respawn is inevitable anyways. On the other hand if they do respawn after requesting a medic, still be charged for requesting the medic.

    Myself, as with many others, enjoy being a medic and spanning the entire map in medivacs to help players out. I believe I speak for everyone when I say this option would aid us in doing our job in Asylum.

    Please fix this issue and aid the medics in Asylum with their duties to keep everyone alive and healthy (and happy with their same gear.)




    This seems a little excessive. i get what your going at. but i cant tell you how many times i have seen "medic in route" and they never move 1m closer in position. So if we cant chose to respawn (which IMO is crazy, what if medic is 12k away. you dont know until you request.)  Then the medic shouldnt be able to revive anyone else until our request is fullfilled... Plus i can see gang medics abusing this to not revive people.


    Its a risk. the person may be there or not. personally i think we are even for all the times medics dont respond :kappa:

  6. 5 minutes ago, Snatch said:

    I'm not really leaving anyone, but more like spreading myself out thinner. You know?



    Just kidding. it does make sense. It still a victory for P4, as at one time it was implied hell would freeze over before anyone from our precinct would make captain ;) congrats o7

  7. 13 minutes ago, bigjohn561 said:

    @Riot INCINC look at what is happening to cops. Every person i talk to say they are joining apd to make cash.. Since its making people want to be cop and not civ how bout we decrease payout for cops? . i know plenty will disagree on that lol.  

    Yea, those of us who actually play cop and know whats going on. sure money can be made.. but its not a guaranteed thing... especially if you dont play during peak times. or have to buy hunters frequently and the occasional orca for banks etc.


    i do agree though. medics are generally worthless. outside of kavala.

    Mike Stmria likes this
  8. 2 minutes ago, wr4thx said:

    Please explain what challenge any normal individual would have if more than a certain number of cops are online.

    What if someone has social anxiety, and he / she is ok with roll playing with civs but being in large groups makes them uncomfortable?  and if there is that many cops on. its very likely there is a large gang on. so a normal slow RP based patrol is most like out if your responding to every shit storm possible, so the challenges could lie in play style and preferences :)



    Reformed epTic likes this
  9. 2 minutes ago, CrossFade said:

    TBH only allowing civs to have 10 people in a group is hypocritical when there are 15+ cops sitting in one channel and in one server.. they have hex's for everyone.. when we have two groups it makes us focus on not shooting allies.. sorta bullshit tbh.. thats just my thoughts anyways

    That point i do see. But essentially you can force us into a engagement at your will "bank, pb etc." so, in theory you should be setup and have the upper hand. even if you are out numbered. (tactics!) also how hard is it to not shoot anyone who isnt a cop? :)

  10. 2 minutes ago, wr4thx said:

    It should be fun regardless of the number of cops, having more cops online cannot possibly hinder your ability to RP.

    And i play 90% rebel and im money capped. when i DO get on cop, i could care less how many officers are online, i try to make everyone's day better by the sick twisted stories i cook up with some civilians. 


     i was referring to other challenges, not RP related

    get a ankle brace so you dont hurt yourself jumping to conclusions /dad joke


    go ahead though. keep trying to ball bust. this is fun! :D

    SheriffJohnBeard likes this
  11. 1 minute ago, 《New》 Krypton 《wəN》 said:

    Remove multiple current people with power is only solution in my book.

    That was brought up once. you saw how much traction that got :| Hence why i have been and will always suggest ataff involvement in the APD. its a super unpopular idea but...

  12. 9 minutes ago, wr4thx said:

    are you saying the money making would be minimized due to the fact that alot of cops are on? 

    where's the RP

    Why do you assume its about money? maybe he just doesn't want to be the 26th wheel and its not fun for him with a lot of other cops on.




    Also, i dont get why some people join the APD then shit on it. Instead of complaining. come up with solutions


  13. 4 minutes ago, wr4thx said:

    but they capped my ability to play with most of my gang all at once? 

    not really, they just made it harder logistically. no one is saying you cannot roll together. you just have multiple groups....

  14. you want a cop cap? as it has been stated many, many times. you cannot limit someones ability to play AND require them to have a minimum amount of activity / played time. The whole system would have to be reworked. then you will run into a lack of higher ups on / available. which is why activity is enforced in the first place..


    see the issue?

    also assuming its a full server, with 22 cops, that would make it barely 1/4 cops.. at best. 1 cop for every 4 civs seems like a fair ratio...


    ALso you think people complain  enough now that we are never around when needed between feds pb's etc. limiting the cops would only make that worse. that being said if 25+ cops becomes a regular issue. we need to look at it splitting it up.


    i also think constantly recruiting for the APD only makes this worse. but i was crucified the last time i brought that up.

    Millar and Olivia like this
  15. 18 minutes ago, Beenie said:

    I think we need to finalize and document the corporal process fully. Last meeting we left we 1/2 ideas and only put in place 1/4 of those. How is the voting to be done? what threshold do we set for those candidates to become corporal. It seemed last meeting we had talked about a multi vote process where each round the undesirables of that round dropped off so by months end we were left with only those worthy yet only 1 vote round was done. and of that vote only 1 was actually promoted. so what is the required min needed to be promoted? is it just being positive (ie a person has 5 -1 and 6 +1) or do we need more then just a positive number ??

    We also need to set the requirements for 4. ie is a video required. what civ/cop %, is it 50/50 or can we accept a 40/60 because their total hours make up the difference (and how many hours are needed to replace that miss in %). do we allow a % leeway? and if so how much?

    all items need to be documented and spelled out so that if any questions/complaints arise we have a document to point them to and not just a hollow answer that based on who you ask could be different.

    what is our application window? is it from day after previous months promo till when? or is it the 1st through 7th?


    more to come as more thinking happens.

    Agreed. i think this is the main purpose of @Jbdragon's meeting on the 5th

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