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Everything posted by Sikorsky

  1. Sikorsky

    S2 dom

    stop trying to make s1 dom work just bring back s2
  2. Sikorsky

    Move into modded

    yeah theyre not coming back
  3. Sikorsky

    s2 dom

    having dom on S1 is just a worse experience and will hurt the server in the long run, the inflated player numbers isnt worth it
  4. are you stupid or what
  5. Sikorsky

    group limit

    We don't want buffs, we don't want new gear or vehicles, we want staff to stop giving special treatment to APD When rebels are losing events, they have to adapt and come up with new ways to counter whatever it is that's causing them to lose, when cops start losing... I probably missed a few Also countless buffs in patches, meanwhile civs get only nerfs patch after patch (there have been a few buffs here and there but this is very rare)
  6. Sikorsky

    group limit

    you've pushed for captain buffs your actions contradict your words
  7. Sikorsky

    group limit

    "if i cant have fun, no one can" classic darkknight moment another classic darkknight moment from 6 years ago, stole my orca from bank roof and crashed it the ocean cus he kept losing events! looks like not much has changed respectfully, ive had mostly positive interactions with you over the years, but you have a history of acting like a crybaby when things dont go your way
  8. Sikorsky

    group limit

    (it never happened)
  9. Sikorsky

    group limit

    u could never do what i do so quit yapping
  10. Sikorsky

    group limit

    source: i made it up
  11. Sikorsky

    group limit

    if you dont understand why gh is broken then u are a bonehead, it's the most overpowered thing to ever be added to asylum 12v18 = 2x the numbers yea u are a bonehead no1 here has heard of ur gang quit stroking ur ego
  12. Sikorsky

    group limit

    literally just a skill issue pal go play some koth and you will understand
  13. this will not stop me from camping air hq
  14. Sikorsky

    New Air HQ Design

    this would make it even easier to camp +1
  15. just add evidence and jewelry back
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