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Bad Blood Recruitment Thread

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Bad Blood Recruitment Thread 

We are Bad Blood, a notorious and infamous gang of players that have patrolled the servers over the past 10 years. After a large hiatus due to ransacking and controlling various other islands and domains, we have returned and need to rebuild our Asylum personnel. Gang proceeds and earnings are used to further our gang activity. 

ALL unfamiliar players must undergo a trial period playing alongside our veteran members before being fully inducted into our ranks. If you have no microphone, do not attempt to apply. POST YOUR APPs BELOW. I will also link my steam for further communication needs.


In-Game Name: 

Steam Profile: 

Unique Skills you possess:  

Time-zone and general playtime (etc 6pm CST):  

Do you desire to control and destroy the competition on asylum? (yes/no):  



Edited by kryptonthegamer
Akula, ł S4M ł, Batcan and 5 others like this
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