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More importance to the governor

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As it stands, the governor does pretty much nothing. They change the taxes and the legalization of weed then claim money over restarts.

On top of this, the APD don't give two shits about the governor.

I'm suggesting something that will create a whole new branch of role play. (This is open to discussion, so I want anyone to pitch in their ideas.)


-First off, SS. Create a group aside from/or with the APD who protect the governor (Secret Service.) Most of the time the governor will be seen running around cities by himself or with gangs. This isn't how a governor should act. Create a group who specializes in keeping the governor safe while moving around the map. This group will require special training and whitelisting.

-Second, Have a specified governor hideout or mansion. SS will patrol and guard this building.

-Third, Create an incentive to want to kill the governor. This incentive will keep the Secret Service useful. My ideas are as followed:

A governor bounty, whoever kills the governor gets it. 

If the governor dies he's dead for good. There will have to be a new election. (This will work when people don't like the governor's point of views.)

-Fourth, the governor has more power to decide certain laws.

-Fifth, Secret Service spawn at the mayor's mansion. If the mansion is under attack they won't be able to respawn if they die.

-Sixth, ??? (If you have any more ideas or tweaks, comment them.)


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What makes you think people will want to be whitelisted to protect a governor who maxes their taxes? Most of the time the governor would end up kidnapped, and as someone stated before, people have been trying to get medics whitelisted for a long time now so the chances of this happening are slim to none. However I agree the governor should get some more perks such as the change was he wants to tax. Ex: market items (Y inventory) , Firearms (Can be legal and Illegal for selection) , Vehicles Only.


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I agree that the governor should be able to change more laws and stuff but the other stuff seems more fitting for a stricter role-play server. Governor does need some changing though. The only reason to be governor at the moment is to reap the tax money but other than that it's pretty boring. +1

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+1 but about SS - governor may hire bounty hunters or rebels and make a group. Don't think it's necessary to make a special faction for this.

- Governors should have more privileges

- Would be great to see PRESS clothing and vest available so we can RP with governors, civs or APD officers and find TV broadcasts more useful.

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