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Increase the number of Gas Stations that we can Rob

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There's a lot of Gas Stations on the map, but only 7 of them (IIRC) has a cash register that can be robbed.
An increase in number of such Gas Stations would increase the opportunity to make money by just robbing shit.

                     It would also create more of that there RP with Cops we all love to do. 
     I'm talking about an increased amount of car chases, shootouts, hostage situations, explosions and mayhem for those who lack imagination...  
                                                                     you know, the real valuable RP.  


                                                      Like if you agree.
                                                                Fuck off if you don't.

Atra, Nenja, Good Lub and 6 others like this
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-1 here only because I don't think we need more gas stations that can be robbed. Cops are limited in the area they can cover depending on how many are on duty.  From what I remember there are gas stations that are off-the beaten-path that are robbed minimally. There is a gas station by the lumber mill north of DP11 and another south of pyrgos. Those places were added a while back on top of the other locations which existed before that. My point here is that it can be hard to always know which gas station is currently being robbed as some only tap the robbery making it near impossible to find out where the robbery was or even if it is still going on as the system is a little buggy. As a cop who tries to make it to all the robberies having to locate the 1 gas station that is being robbed among the 7 as you said + response time makes this idea in my honest opinion less likely that you will encounter cops. 

HotWings likes this
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46 minutes ago, ColtonB205 said:

-1 here only because I don't think we need more gas stations that can be robbed. Cops are limited in the area they can cover depending on how many are on duty.  From what I remember there are gas stations that are off-the beaten-path that are robbed minimally. There is a gas station by the lumber mill north of DP11 and another south of pyrgos. Those places were added a while back on top of the other locations which existed before that. My point here is that it can be hard to always know which gas station is currently being robbed as some only tap the robbery making it near impossible to find out where the robbery was or even if it is still going on as the system is a little buggy. As a cop who tries to make it to all the robberies having to locate the 1 gas station that is being robbed among the 7 as you said + response time makes this idea in my honest opinion less likely that you will encounter cops. 

I don't buy into your argument.

You don't get any money worth if you just tap it. It takes 4-5 minutes to rob a gas station properly.

After the first one you get a bounty on your head, which makes people able to track you, wherever you go, like every 2.5 minutes. 

Then you get the extra ping at the ATM where you deposit your money...

By the time you have robbed 2-3 Gas Stations, it's pretty obvious which one is going to be the 4th... or at least what route you're taking.

Now if you still want to address any perceived issues with response time for Sports Hatchbacks... :shrug: , just use the Gas Stations along the main road.

Also, when we're at it: Gas Stations have a cooldown after a robbery. Which means, they can't be robbed again in like forever.

Tommy Rat and Donald like this
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There are 6 more "white" gas stations on the main road from Kavala to Pyrgos which could be added to the existing 8 "Green" ones, without interfering with APD response time.

Then there are a few more across the map, but they're either in bum-fuck nowhere or already used for an Oil Traders/Asylum exchange, so I wouldn't advice touching those.

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4 hours ago, Big Fred said:

Also, when we're at it: Gas Stations have a cooldown after a robbery. Which means, they can't be robbed again in like forever.


5 minutes is hardly forever...


There is no need for more gas stations, I have never seen more than two being done at once as it is

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1 hour ago, HotWings said:

There is no need for more gas stations, I have never seen more than two being done at once as it is


1 hour ago, TRYHARD said:

Should add the gas station shops at every gas station. Only the current ones should stay robbable. 

I'm not sure I feel the support from you too.

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