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Everything posted by Samperino

  1. You chronic fucking tagger. If serious, Constables are eligible to be removed after not logging in for 4 months.
  2. It wasn't. It was initially added as a tester to see if it would be viable to give to other ranks. It wasn't given to Captains for the sole purpose of a counter to the MK200. End result, or the result so far, is that it's not overpowered enough to remove from the cop force, but powerful enough to keep at the Captain rank. But that's not up to me entirely, that's up to CM/Ownership. I'm not entirely sure about the history of the price of the MK200, but I believe it's been the same price since it was implemented on Asylum. The problem is that the meta has changed quite drastically since new guns have been added over time. We're acting like the civilians are hurting because the MK200 is "too expensive to use," but let's be real, even if it was cheaper, you would still buy and use the MK-I EMR just because of how powerful it is. The issue isn't pricing, it's the meta as a whole. Hah. If I had full reigns, I would make police equipment cost the same as civilian equipment. 1:1 ratio.
  3. Sure. We’ll make it the same price as civilian and open it up to Constable+ to make it fair.
  4. "But it costs so much!" has never been a good argument for civilian weaponry vs cop weaponry. Civilians The only barrier to entry for civilians to get a gun is a talent and money. Civilians have a plethora of ways to make that money. Civilians have one rule they have to abide by: RDM. Police Barrier to entry is rank. Cops don't make a hell of a lot of money. Cops have many different policies, on top of RDM, that they have to abide by when using weaponry. Lots of civilians wanting to report cops for breaking that APD policy. All in all, I would call that pretty balanced. When civilians are able to spend even more for suicide vests and speedbombs, I don't think $40k + $5k per magazine is a big compromise for such a gun.
  5. Only Captains (around 20 whitelisted players, less than half of which are active) can purchase this weapon. The counter of this weapon for civilian (MK200) is purchasable by all civilians.
  6. This is very "chief-like." If I want to kill you, I will kill you. This is difficult for me to comment on in specific as I don't recall this situation, but I'll go through what my thought process might have been. We're at an active prison break, by the looks of it (very rebel sided). The rebels have the whole barracks area watching over the bottom of that deer stand area where this individual is downed. Yes, there is a smokescreen down, but keep in mind that with blastcore enabled now, the effectiveness of the smokescreen is reduced. How many rebels are currently active (alive)? Where are their last known locations? Is deadly force authorized? Did I accidentally have my laser off and only realize it after I had downed the individual? After I realize that I have downed the suspect, do I have time to fumble around with the scroll wheel to try to get the restrain option to pop up? Even if I restrain the suspect, it's likely that I will send the suspect straight to jail during this active prison break. Killing the suspect will force the rebels to push to revive, allowing the rest of my officers to down them when they attempt to do so. Looking at this one piece of evidence, I fail to see how Captains are abusive and need to be put in line. You've also fallen victim to embellishing what actually happened to further an unhealthy agenda of APD bashing which should not exist. This is a good example of what the APD has to put up with when people come to us with word of mouth accusations and no evidence.
  7. Captain "Issue" Hey there. I'm going to address your "concerns" here as I feel the majority of them are likely to be unfounded and baseless. I'll start off by saying that I feel that I was put into the position I'm in because I'm able to deal with situations in an unbiased manner and by being a level headed individual. If you've spoken to me before, one on one, you'll know this for a fact. I can almost say for certain that I have never spoken to you personally one on one, so I'd like to think this is all conjecture. That's a fair opinion to have. The problem with spouting stuff like this in a public forum is that you will have people who have had situations arise in the past (not necessarily recently) who will say, "yeah the Captains have done this to me in the past!!! Fuck the Captains!!!" without actually giving any information beyond that. In the past, Asylum was very heavily police-admin oriented and you had admin Captains who would spawn in Armed Ghosthawks, Hunter GMG/HMGs, etc in active fights. Asylum in 2019 is completely the opposite. The Captains, and myself even, are held to a very high standard. I will publicly say that the only time I have spawned in anything "unfair" was when I was trying out the .50 cal BW rounds for the Type 115 gun. Guess what? I got in trouble for it, because there are standards, and you should be very thankful that there are standards on Asylum. There are boundaries, and while they may not be set in stone, they're definitely understood by everyone. Captains have the privilege of being able to go around or above the APD's guidebook when and if they feel necessary. Again, this is a privilege and not a right, and has been that way since Asylum's inception. The fact that this is being brought up and discussed now makes me think there is something else going on here. To go into specifics on this issue here, if any officer is found to be downing a suspect, restraining them, just to take them out of restraints and execute them on the spot, they will have appropriate action taken against them. Please take note when I say appropriate action taken. Appropriate action highly depends on the situation at hand. To give an example, you coming in here and making this post is about as useful as a random individual messaging me on TeamSpeak telling me that "a cop is abusing my rights." While I will fish for more information, word only goes so far. I can't just take the word of someone and take action on that. I need to see it happening, through sufficient evidence (video, screenshot, etc). Action taken depends on the amount of evidence given, the situation, and the context behind the situation. I would also like to point out that it is more common to see a rebel shoot and kill their friend on the ground, or jump off a building killing themselves than seeing a cop unrestraining a suspect at the active fight to kill them. None of our active Captains have the ability to do this except myself, and I don't do that. If you're talking about the retired Captains, there are a couple who have the ability to do this, but as I said before, I don't see this happening and I need to see evidence or a report of it happening, or nothing can be done about it. Again, the ~17 whitelisted Captains have the ability to do this when they feel necessary. Also, when I say ~17 whitelisted Captains, only a handful of those actually log in to play on the servers. Something to keep in mind. I'm not sure where you're getting this information from. Your one and only Internal Affairs report back in April on the 22nd was on a Corporal about racism, which is funny because you have no problem with racism at all (). All of the complaints you are talking about, I just don't see it happening. Community Managers and Owners are able to see all reports, including Captain reports. If they feel the need to step in, they will, and do. In the end, it's very easy to see things differently from the outside. Since I became Chief, I try to make things as transparent as possible, as keeping everything behind closed doors isn't always healthy. Disciplinary action against individuals I feel should always be dealt with behind closed doors, unless the individuals being dealt with would like to make it public. Player reports and ban appeals hold the same expectation in regards to privacy. In the past, I feel as though the Captain role has had a very clique-like feel to it, and I prefer to keep it away from that. While the Captains and retired Captains are fairly close-knit, there is never any hesitation in regards to disciplinary if it is necessary. I've also said this before and I will say it again, I want to see more reports if this happening. I want to see evidence, and not just APD bashing. If you don't wish to submit a report, you're always welcome to approach the Captain you have an issue with as well. We're all big boys and can handle a one on one civil conversation that doesn't involve "you're a fucking retard."
  8. Hey there. Throw in a Character/Account Support ticket here.
  9. Agreed. The last piece of shite though was a community DLC (mod). This is going to be an official DLC which means it can be implemented into Asylum, possibly. Very excited. Although, I was hoping for bicycles on Asylum!
  10. That’s above my paygrade, not my decision to make.
  11. I don’t remember the origin of the idea but it was brought up in a meeting and it seemed to be a fairly positive suggestion. If you’re asking if I support the change, wholeheartedly. I feel as though it shouldn’t make a huge impact on scotch making but it should add additional risk to the process.
  12. Apologies, I’m not quite sure what you mean by “cop input.”
  13. Barley is an illegal item. If you gain probable cause to search someone (like if they’re in spirit distillery) you will be able to seize the barley and charge for possession of illegal liquor (until a barley charge is potentially added).
  14. Barley/Berry bushes are all around Altis. There's not one area like there is the hunting grounds. It's already going to be punishing enough if a civilian gets caught at the spirit distillery with their ingredients now. We don't need to be hunting around for people picking barley.
  15. No policy update needed. Barley "fields" or bushes aren't probable cause already. We don't need a policy to tell officers that they're not illegal. No. Barley is used to make scotch, alongside water and yeast. Before this patch, none of those ingredients were illegal. A civilian could be caught at Spirit Distillery and have no consequences for having all the materials to make the illegal alcohol. I'm not a developer, I'm not a community manager, and I'm not an owner, so I can't answer why phosphorus and hydrogen sulfate are not illegal with fact, but only opinion. I believe it's because ephedra is the illegal ingredient in the meth trio. Barley is now the illegal ingredient in the scotch trio.
  16. Samperino


    I saw and posted this somewhere earlier today... thought it was hilarious. Nathan W Pyle's work is great.
  17. I'm still waiting for your RP montage to be posted.
  18. Hey dude, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. No hate here. Everyone’s opinions are equal as long as there’s no personal attacks and it’s constructive.
  19. Hey that’s totally fair, man. Different strokes for different folks. That’s the wonderful benefit of a very diverse community.
  20. You're missing what I'm trying to convey. The APD does not need any buffs. The APD needs QOL changes affecting all officers to make their jobs less frustrating. If we're talking about the vest and helmet that I was given access to be able to test: a vest and a helmet given to (potentially) five, or six officers on the APD (the Captains) is not a buff to the APD as a whole. On the flip side, a helmet and a vest given to five or six officers on the APD does not help the lower ranking officers which only typically have access to 6.5 mm MXs and sports hatchbacks, to fight against swaths of completely overpowered Ifrits, armies of guys with access to RPGs, large quantities of grenades, 7.62 mm rifles, etc. A group of average officers should not be expected to rely on higher ups being on duty to be able to stand a chance against a group of rebels, given the numbers. The higher ups being on duty, in my opinion, should be an added small boost to all of the average officers on duty. By average officer, I'm talking about 90% of the APD (Cadets, Constables, and Corporals). On the other hand, the APD should not be balanced around one large group of rebels who hop on daily and typically force most of the cops on duty to go off duty. On the other hand as well, temporary problems such as this, require temporary solutions, which is, I guess, where the vest and helmet idea came into play. We need to look at the bigger picture here. Thanks.
  21. Hey there @TRYHARD, I'm not sure where you're getting this information from. I'm almost certain that we recently implemented a bunch of policy updates to improve the quality of rebel gameplay to reduce frustrations from the rebel side while fighting the police. We were comfortable making these changes as cops are now only required to attend these events a minimum of two times. These Federal Reserve, Bank of Altis, Prison Break, and Evidence Lockup robbery events are typically fairly fun events for the police to fight as it can prove to be a small break in activity from sipping on coffee and eating donuts with the peach pickers and diamond miners in Kavala. When all of these robberies are being done back to back to back by the same group of rebels who have many years of experience on Arma 3, it starts to become repetitive and not very fun for the police that are on at the time. It gets to the point where they're more interested in logging off than even going back to Kavala, or Athira, or the illegal drug fields to have interactions with other players. There needs to be an understanding that the citizens of Kavala getting pistol banged need attention as well. The cocaine runners, the drug runners, the elusive scotch runners, they all need to see the police force as well. The police force does not need better gear. The police force needs quality of life improvements to make playing against larger rebel groups (such as your own) a little bit less frustrating. Pulling armour against a large group of rebels who has access to, and almost usually brings upwards of 10 RPGs which tear through armour like it's nothing is largely not helpful. This leads back to the fact that there needs to be some sort of quality of life updates for the police force, which is the goal of the newly revised Suggestions Box, which you so kindly are taking part of (I'm very glad it's become a success so far!) When you're done treating Asylum like your personal playground, you're welcome to come join the discussion circle of behaving children over at the Suggestions Box to help provide constructive feedback to help make the APD better for all officers, like you (very awesomely) have with the latest policy updates. Keep them coming. Thanks!
  22. Small wording change with the Prison Conspiring charge. Assisting in and initiating a prison break are not automatic straight to jail charges. Any suspect who initiates and/or participates in breaking people out of prison may be sent straight to jail at the officer's discretion. This includes anyone with the Prison Conspiring charge.
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