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About ProjectGemini

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  1. Seems they've made good progress with removing you.. Anyways, patch notes. I agree that the mask stuff, while cool, also makes it more difficult to hold people accountable for breaking rules. I honestly think the face covering feature opened a sort of Pandora's box here, and I'm not sure what the solution is short of removing it or making the visibility radius much larger.
  2. ProjectGemini


    I do this if people do really shitty-ass RP. But we're talking "My grandma was in the hospital so I had to down you and kidnap you so I wouldn't have to explain that my 25 manslaughters were self defense" type stuff.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR12_Qia7rU
  4. Fun fact! The Greek god of Hephaestus was said to live on Lemnos. Various bits of literature from Greek and Rome make reference to Lemnos/Altis because of this. Virgil's Aeneid talks of both Turnus and Aeneas having "Lemnian" armor and weaponry, signifying that both were backed by certain gods.
  5. I believe the 5.8 in game is the Chinese 5.8x42mm. It's roughly the same size as the 5.56x45mm NATO and the 5.45x39 Russian. How it performs ingame?
  6. So let's have 2 houses with a wall around it instead
  7. And if you had heard of this before, would you not have given the same response? You sorta have to hear it for the first time at some point That being said, I've never heard of this.
  8. So, what are "bounty hunter restraints"? Because I can restrain people as a rebel if they put their hands up.. Should they also go to jail if they get disconnected? That would make no sense..
  9. This thread is honestly the best argument against allowing <17 into the APD. There's lots of good points to be made on both sides, but it seems that the proponents of allowing younger people into the APD have a hard time articulating those. I wonder why. There's definitely young people out there who could make an eloquent argument for allowing under-17s into the APD, but certainly none of them are commenting on these threads. It seriously damages your credibility when you argue that younger people are mature enough to be in the APD, but yet you can't take the time to type out "obviously" or understand what it means to "grandfather in" something. It looks like you wrote this in about 3 seconds, and it ruins your credibility before a reader even has a chance to finish reading. The world, contrary to popular belief, does not operate on "text language," and first impressions are extremely important. When you're arguing that you're mature enough, you need to make yourself and your argument absolutely unimpeachable. Asking for a policy to be changed to allow for exceptions for mature, underaged applicants, while not demonstrating that yourself, will ruins any chance, however slim, you might have had of changing someone's mind.
  10. EOtech sells them for like $1000+, but I'm sure you could find cheaper stuff.
  11. I've seen people literally go up and shoot your car, then shoot you when you get out and say your name was red.
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