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Everything posted by FudgeR

  1. its poppin rn, give it a try i'm having fun again tbh
  2. why spam when you can just Please Report me to an Admin. ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. Please Report me to an Admin. ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #IfWinActive, ahk_class Arma 3 ~NumLock::Suspend, Toggle LShift:: Loop { GetKeyState, state, LShift, p if state = U break ; Otherwise: Send, {Enter} Sleep, 50 } trust me i've been spamming in for the past 20 minutes with this
  3. if you gotta bring down the cap at least put 3 servers up, literally aids just trying to log in every time
  4. soooo yea .. THE BOYS ARE BACK! apply today to S K E N G
  5. All applications are on hold, we are currently deciding wether we should bring this gang back or not.
  6. So you’re telling me THE BOYS COMING BACK????
  7. I mean they actually give medics a purpose like that, even though i would rather take defibs over epi’s any day
  8. I can see why you brag about being the gang wars winner
  9. Yea and actually hmu this time
  10. FudgeR

    Gang Wars 6

    last time i remember you fighting we made your gang disband and bada joined nv
  11. This is kinda making me wanna skeng a bit, is there even any decent gangs around?
  12. the ferguson fight right before was way better tbh
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