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About Tacobell

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    Arma 3, MMORPGs, Games in general.

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  1. Tacobell

    White screen

    Is this on any server you join or just that particular one?
  2. @CruncheddNow I am not as good as player as most people it's hard to be when you've only played arma for 21/2 - 3ish months but you want to start a thread for the soul purpose of shit talking (which I find ironic) since you bring up "side-chat satlyness" in your video and the fact your gang always feels the need to shit talk anyone and everyone for no reason at all. I honestly feel bad for Allen. He has a few respected gang members that actually play just to have fun and are mature enough to call out "gf" at the end of a cartel instead "Wow we wiped you nerds hehe xdeeeee get rekt kids trump2k16". Then there's people like you who come and ruin that image of a respected gang by pulling dumb threads like this :). You talk about lack of comms, and a shitty gang well here you go buddy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUmMXswLap4&feature=youtu.be take a look at the gang you are so proud to stand by. P.S My aim on the last 2 are terrible. I never use the mk-18. Only time I do is when I don't care to lose gear cause I hate the mk-18. I'm god awful with it on full-auto , but hey it was fun either way. Plus the fact this is me at around 3 a.m in the morning and I just didn't really care.
  3. This is almost as good as "The APD Made Me Do It" 10/10 @CruncheddHey, bud good fight. I wasn't there so I assume this was last night, but when did you get me banned for RDM? I must've been sleeping for that one too and the ban appeal must've made it self, and I must've just magically got unbanned at the same time :(, what a shame. I love ban appeals.
  4. "I don't really like you maric x50" That was totally not from the kid who was following him and ended up shooting him. Second of all, someone wants a promotion
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7I92r9GqUw
  6. Sounds like you take Arma it self a little to seriously. Brush off the trolls, and the RDM & VDM. Typically I report if it's on going, but if someone does it once maybe accidently or just not knowing the rules then I let it go. If you get stressed out by the game too the point to where you feel a thread talking about how shit the server has become then maybe a break is what you need. Go play a singleplayer until you miss the interaction with other people. You say the server needs to change, but maybe you just need to relax a little.
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