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Everything posted by GravL

  1. May be wrong but I’m pretty sure you can turn messages off in the settings on the phone i know it will disable all messages but if it’s really that annoying
  2. Apply today for your chance to win a paid vacation to Altis IRL
  3. Space Force is a gang focused on having fun. We are not a strictly fighting gang! Requirements: -750 hours -At least 16 years old -Financially stable (minimum of 500k) -Fighting experience preferred Application: In-Game Name: Age: Arma 3 hours (Screenshot): Bank Account (Screenshot): Any experience fighting? Vouches: Previous Gangs: How active will you be? Roster: Leader: GravL, Kareem, TK Jamie, Steve Lieutenant: Donk, Jeb, Beta, Jamal, Michael Senior Member: Guwop, Neoo, Josh Member: Backend Error, RONNY, CRH, James Shaffner, Obu Obu Obu, Jose Cuervo, Bishop, Infamous, Rocketneo, Chase, Chewbacca Trials: Not Listed
  4. As much as I like to do prisons just for the fight, I don’t think the 50k bounty thing would work out too well, but I think there should at least be somebody in prison doesnt make much sense to be able to do a prison break with nobody in prison
  5. what are you talking about
  6. Found an old video of @T e a and @JamieH flexing their garage and bank while i pretended to be a hacker thought it was pretty funny https://plays.tv/video/5c9175dc09d716ed44/-?from=user my mic is a little delayed but whatever
  7. sorry i dont even know how to play chess not a nerd
  8. Name: Gravl Hours: like 2800  Vouches: idk Have you ever been in chess club (yes/no and what school level): no Favorite anime: fuck anime  Previous groups and clubs: Rehab  Brain size (1-10): 7 IQ: 114 Vouches: idk Highest level of education: high school dropout Vouches: idk Vouches: idk Ethnicity: white Do you support the denuclearization of the United States: no  How active will you be (1-10): like 2  Vouches: idk
  9. Why would this be bannable? Best feature on the server
  10. Meh, still can’t decide if I want it or not. What do you even do after you make millions? Can you buy a mansion or a lambo or something?
  11. Ehhhhhhh not too bad but I don’t like bran much wish someone else got King
  12. GravL


    Civilian and medic have no age requirements (although if medic gets whitelisted an age requirement could always get implemented), but if you want to be a cop you need to be either 17 or 18
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