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APD Officer
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Everything posted by HotWings

  1. Asylum already has the lowest jail time of any other life server. You get 45 minutes in most other servers for a single manslaughter.
  2. No, just no. It is totally about money and has nothing to do with the hours/days of effort we put into chasing them down and arresting them. Its 100% all about the money. Maybe if their RP wasn't "blah blah blah, my friends are here now you're going to die" We wouldn't have to do it. Maybe if you didn't hot drop a suicide vest on our processing that wouldn't have to happen. This is TOTALLY not an issued cause by salty rebels being salty. Totally just cops being money hungry.
  3. Cops lose a 7-12k loadout just for walking down the street. The argument that rebels lose money for being arrested is pretty worn at this point. Cops lose just as much money with no way to make their own weapons and cut their load out cost to basically nothing. They lose that gear at a rate much higher than rebels as well. Hence why you see cops returning with shit weapons after losing 5-6 loadouts in the last hour.
  4. How about you dont be a disrespectful turd and actually offer real input? It makes sense to make a criminal pay the transportation and processing costs just like IRL.
  5. How does it make cops OP? Cops are not OP at all, we lose 80% of engagements. I dont think 50% should be taken, maybe a 5-10% fee would be more reasonable.
  6. @sjuol Stop being mean and talk to Sheriff.
  7. Because lock picks are what make large gangs do things?
  8. Lockpicks are already far to easy to obtain... It makes no sense to make it easier.
  9. Why should one be able to spec in all areas? You either play legal or you play illegal. That is the choice you have to make
  10. The real questions, is... Are they all working properly now? For a while you could not chop a few things ie flatbeds.
  11. You should never kill anyone without RP unless engaged with their gang or in an illegal area.
  12. You mean you could hear over the gun fire?
  13. This might be the worst suggestion I've seen tbh.
  14. Want longer jail times go play A3L where you get 45 minutes for calling a cop a pig.
  15. I was RPing with a guy the other day. Next thing you know he was literally gone.
  16. No, increasing the payout of drugs is not needed. They already pay out more than any legal enterprise (which honestly makes 0 sense).
  17. Interesting. Is Lugo next?
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