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Everything posted by sakha

  1. sakha


  2. server crashed before i could open the create
  3. hunter skin looks ugly other skin looks good
  4. Did u guys know that he got kicjed from EXG
  5. thank god im not 1 of those 7
  6. How did you like those books after that?
  7. they didnt get the msg yet we more more bots
  8. - IGN [In-game Name]:sakha Age: 22 - Hours played on Arma 3: 6000 https://prnt.sc/icbam3 How active will you be: everyday after midnight and weekends - Timezone/Location: EST (New York) - Previous Gangs: Space Turtle and some old l pleb gang. - Can anyone within the gang vouch for you? emanuel
  9. i was laughing my ass off cops took the bait( as always).
  10. not selling the one next to gun store(keeping it for a friend) offerr me your best I need money to buy suicide vest and speed bomb.
  11. it was never mine but i was interested in buying the house from massi. still have all my houses
  12. bro but just one nvrknow
  13. recoil doesn't show up that much in close range shooting(bipod on the rock)
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