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APD Officer
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Everything posted by xFurnish

  1. >2016 >not using metro what are you doing with your life????
  2. never thought I'd hear a ToP song/remix what ever this is, in a asylum montage.
  3. I very rarely play civ/rebel so I just guestimate how much to pull out. I saw I had 21k and I was planning on stopping in athira for med supplies so I was just going to throw it in the bank there.
  4. please ignore the fan in the back, and the shit tier video quality, i'm still trying work with premier pro to get proper settings working good.
  5. xFurnish


    Or people are getting older and they have to get on with their lives instead of sitting around and playing wow all day. Most of those people are planning on, or already have families. I feel that if they would actually go the path that the community wants with the "lore", then I think that they can easily come back, so many people want to have some sort of expac based around the other side of the planet and to have more lore about the old gods, fuck if they did something like that I would be ecstatic.
  6. xFurnish


    It normally always does, they usually gain another 4-6million subs back, then once those 4-6mill basically finish all quests/professions/ect. and finish mythic raids then there really is no point into paying for a game that you have essentially "finished".
  7. xFurnish


    It's at a low because it's nearing the end of the expac, it'll skyrocket again once legion comes out.
  8. I've always been a HUGE fan of Tom Clancy games, this is the most fun I've had with a Tom Clancy game since Future Soldier.
  9. http://www.logicalincrements.com/
  10. working my way to 30, 22 now.
  11. i swapped to premier pro due to vegas constantly crashing and eventually not even allowing me to open vegas at all.
  12. i was expecting something more... eptic.
  13. lmao what the fuck. i've never heard of you before.
  14. I personally think eskeer would've been a better choice.
  15. xFurnish


    Anyone else hyped for DOOM?
  16. well obviously spawning 100,000 cars is going to make a server lag...
  17. I love it when you paratus and motown at the same time.
  18. the chinese are no match for professional gypsy hunter http://plays.tv/video/56db2836ae6552755f/chinesebombing-exe?from=user special thanks to nugs for laughing
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