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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Boris

  1. Unable to hit people with quickpeeks and still dying behind cover. Also very hard to hit people out of hummingbirds suddenly. what changed?
  2. Doing some fighting on S1 right now with 100 people on. Almost everytime i've got close to someone we've traded. Takes like a second for people to actually die.
  3. A large portion of Bad Blood split off to form Insanity, this was prompted by the new group cap and differences in the gang. Bad Blood still exists, but for all intents and purposes it's basically dead, it has a handful of members and most are inactive. Sometimes they come on and fight, but it's rare to see BB holding a cartel anymore.
  4. Night time is back? -vomit- Nice patch though.
  5. My boy giant putting in work.
  6. It's hilarious to watch police try to annouce and accidentally group chat 5 rebels.
  7. Hot dropping right out of Asylum. o/
  8. Do prison breaks continually. Improving at Arma 3 is an often ineffective process. I've played for 2.5k hours and only now am I starting to consistently get kills at cartels. Bikstok plays wasteland an absolute shit ton in his spare time. Just practise practise practise. https://www.youtube.com/user/cheesegamingnow/videos https://www.youtube.com/user/rfirevtre/videos https://www.youtube.com/user/3cupcakes1man/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH3mFQjRpuAI-d1F8zT27iA/videos Watch these guys videos and see what they have in common.
  9. One of the better montages i've seen recently.
  10. It's default Arma actions causing the scroll wheel script items to disappear. If you pull out your weapon via the scroll wheel, you won't be able to perform Altis Life actions like entering a locked car as cop, or blood bagging someone. However, you can unlock the car to see the option to get in still, since entering vehicles is a default Arma action. I dunno why it happens or how to fix it though.
  11. Putting a house on the market just doesn't work. I think it works for like... one restart then you can't put it on the market.
  12. Swear to god I've accidentally paroled so many fucking people. Why does it have to be right under the escort option.
  13. That was me. Wasn't armed, just driving around being a twat.
  14. It's just straight up harder to assault than defend. Prison? Deer stands can quick peak and dome a cop before he has a chance. Bank? Easier than the prison but it's pretty hard even with armoured vehicles to rush the building. Cops will always have the disadvantage, you win these things as cop by whittling down rebel numbers with lethals.
  15. Smee did not read the original post. -1 Sw3g point.
  16. Sheep lagswitches/groupchats everyone knows it. Nv you can defend him all you want but the dude has like ten videos showing his bullshit. I remember killing him at a cartel only for me and a gang mate to drop dead 10 seconds after I headshot him. Then he died. Sheep is a rat.
  17. Screenshots from my time on Asylum. Cadet basic training, one of my earliest screenshots. Feat. Sgt Dull. That time the NPCs disappeared in old Kavala and a medic randomly exploded next to us. One of Koodoo's training. The VDMing of Sgt Angela. The one time Sandstorm was successfully played without admin kick. Ebola outbreak hacking ft MIKE SCHMIKE. HEMTT party bus, #e ninja forever. Buckwalter stripping for thecaptain. More later.
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