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Everything posted by Serpico

  1. I have gotten back into streaming regularly and figured I should make a new post. https://www.twitch.tv/OfficerSerpico So, come and say hi or whatever.
  2. You 100% can change a player name while in game. There are a few considerations to take care of such as the map marker, phone player list, group list...
  3. For those saying that the issue is fixed when they delete the dll's, you should do the following. In the Arma 3 launcher click on Parameters -> Advanced. Then put a check in Malloc and in the text field type system. This effectively does the same thing as deleting the dll's. For those who want more details. The dll's that you delete are what Arma uses for its memory allocation. When you delete them all, it then defaults to using your system (Windows) memory allocation instead of bohemia's. If you don't delete the dll's and don't specify one, it will default to tbb4malloc_bi.
  4. If anyone is interested in the Easter Egg, go to 070097 on Tanoa and listen. You will know when you hear it.
  5. All of these have been sent to Paratus. Just have to wait and see. Once I get a few more APD skins done, I'll start work on some for civ.
  6. Work in progress Finished. Decided to make a skin based on my local police. Also updated the previous Crowner and Flying Brick skins I did:
  7. This is exactly what I have been using for the cars I'm working on. Great pack and free to use it how you want.
  8. On top of the Vests I made. I started looking into car models. He is a APD crown vic. Handles much better than the current car. The light bar is less blinding at night. The siren needs a couple tweaks, but good to go otherwise. There is also a UC version of this car. Going to start work on 2 more APD models. Also includes civ variants. Also, the front glass is not bullet proof. APD BMW
  9. I recently started getting into making skins for Arma clothing/vests/backpacks. Thought I would share and get feedback. Link to my original post on this matter APD Yellow and Black Police Tactical Vests: http://imgur.com/a/G6mJA APD Precinct Tactical Vests: Police Black Carrier Lite: Police Military Cap: Rebel Tactical Vests: http://imgur.com/a/Ufdt9 Rebel Carrier Lite Vests: http://imgur.com/a/tMjgj Backpacks: http://imgur.com/a/Q4bsC Latest fashion in pink: http://imgur.com/a/ZqIU4 Cars:
  10. About to add a Carrier Lite vest for cops which has the stats of the Police Tactical vest instead. I don't think I can post with the Asylum cop uniforms, but it looks really good with all of them.
  11. With the new modded server, we need modded content. We got new vests, but as most know they provide no protection. We can we do? Use Serpico's brand new Vest pack! The pack is a work in progress, but I will only release stable content. To start off, 13 Tactical Vest and 10 Carrier Lite skins. They provide the same armor and penetration rating as set in Arma 3 Album: http://imgur.com/a/Ufdt9 and http://imgur.com/a/tMjgj Steam Workshop link if anyone is interested: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=646290686 *Update* Added skins for Carrier Lite. Next is cop skins.
  12. The map designer is aware that this is happening, but also says that it is only happening for Asylum. But he may still me looking on his side.
  13. What are you comparing them too? The AK's have a lower penetration than even the Katiba. The AK also had several more ricochet which leads me to believe it's velocity is even lower than the Katiba.
  14. Pretty sure that a bunch (if not all) of the tryk vest no longer have armor values. The tryk mod also hasn't been updated for 7-8 months, so I would not be surprised if they are broken.
  15. private["_test"]; if(vest player != "V_HarnessOGL_brn") exitWith {}; if(vehicle player != player) exitWith {hint "You cannot detonate your vest from within a vehicle."}; if((getPosATL player) select 2 > 1) exitWith {hint "You cannot detonate your vest when not on the ground."}; removeVest player; _test = "Bo_Mk82" createVehicle [0,0,9999]; _test setPos (getPos player); _test setVelocity [100,0,0]; if(alive player) then {player setDamage 1;}; I think the fix is to use getPosATL and setPosATL instead of getPos and setPos getPos and setPos get your position relative to the object below you. getPosATL and setPosATL get your position relative to terrain level I suspect the that in the indestructible buildings, the bomb spawns in/below the floor. Switching to getPosATL and setPosATL will spawn it in the building and kill people. Also a video. Forgot to mention, the vest also works on docks.
  16. http://www.twitch.tv/officerserpico/v/49365615
  17. Left alt + enter will toggle fullscreen to windowed. Give that a shot. Also check your setting in the launcher. There's an option there for windowed
  18. I thought that engine being on was a given how else can you control movement.
  19. Once you got it off the signs.
  20. Serpico


    Try the .50 cal, you might like it.
  21. Next time enable rotorlib and turn off the wheel brake on the orca
  22. Do you have a XML logo? If you don't even make it to lobby, this is a common issue. Remove it and try again.
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