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Posts posted by SnowFlake

  1. Hello . Some of you, a very few, may know a player on mostly server 1 as RapidKillz. I mainly roached cartels while I studied / watched porn / grinded os rs stats.

    I was also known for being the Leader of La Familia. 

    I was perm banned a few months ago for combat logging. I regret my actions but I also feel like it was healthy to be forced to stop my addiction from asylum  @Subaru thank you

    In the future I 'hope' I will be allowed to come back and play but currently I don't deserve to play such a great server.

    I have been working a lot and pursing my interests in the culinary arts field. I like to cook anything and everything but mostly Italian and Polish foods.

    I will be moving into my new apartment soon and will have a lot on my plate. I won't have much time for my computer but I'll try to hop around the forums to check out how the community is.

    Fare Well everyone and have a wonderful life.


  2. Sorta like gang houses

    How many times do you want to pick up rubber from oil cartel and there is 10 minutes left for restart, or 5min whatever and you do not have enough time to drive to your house but you are playing with gang mates that have a house right next to it?

    So many scenarios I cannot list them all.

    I feel that a great addition to this server would be to add a house than can be owned by more than 1 person, like a gang house, able to be used by all gang members.

    To create such a house would increase activity beyond belief.

    I hope you think about this and the great outcomes it may bring.

  3. Due to the poor coding skills, people are banned with 'hop out of vehicle'

    In these type of servers you cannot just expect people to be honest to the server rules.

    Hoping out of a car is a role play tactic that this server does not confine.

    But, when an admin or a high ranking APD officer does it. (i say this because a captain did it to me so he got rescued"

    it goes unnoticed but a random person will get banned.


    If our devs could fix  this, and while in restraints you are simply not able to hop out or switch seats, a lot of people would get unbanned.

    Xehons likes this
  4. Most people donated $50 for sports hatchback and now its free. What did they get in return? A couple of shitty ass skins no1 likes.

    Give them the fucking god dam black orca for crying out loud.

    I can't wait for the day asylum is dead and you guys come up with a master plan to bring it back and are like "OH LETS GIVE OUT THESE SKINS THAT SNOWFLAKE MENTIONED YEARS AGO"

  5. Literally just trying to help increase World Activity/World PvP

    Gang life is essentially dead. Server 4 hardly hits 70 players, maybe on weekends.

    Asylum is still very active, but compared to what it can be? Lets be real.

    There are so many things you can do and in-game Loot Crate Keys / APB upgrade are just two of them.

    You can add cartel titles / rewards and Gang Achievements to promote Banks/Fed/Prisons

    You can add a NLR for more scenarios which would allow civs to see things through.

    You can turn server 4 into a whitelisted server and change a few things that differentiates it from 1 2 3

    and make it more RP based and treat people like people rather than money hungry mofos

    You can change VDM rule to if you're being shot at you can use your car to safe your life.

    You can make it 'a naked person is allowed to combat log because why are you being a punk robbing naked people'


    So many things you can do but it feels like you guys think asylums current state is fine...

    Walt likes this
  6. Just now, tryhardsqueaker said:

    Loot crate keys dont "Make you more powerful". They are purely aesthetic and help keep the server running. Anything that gave away keys for free would be a hit to the servers. Yet another shitty idea.

    Oh really? The armor you can get from crates doesn't absorb 3-5 7.62 bullets when a carrier light is a 1 shot?

    You obviously  never done anything that but sit in kavala with a rook.


    Xehons and Walt like this
  7. The notorious Treasure Maps, found from the depths of the ocean from excavating/fishing, long hours of brutal mining, could promote the beloved treasure maps.


    Ideas? A chance that Treasure maps will give loot crate keys. I have made several posts on how to introduce loot crate keys into asylum game play because I strongly feel that one shouldn't need to donate to get rewards that make you more powerful.

    What benefit will this bring? Players will mine and excavate more. It will have more global activity and increase world PvP.

    World PvP will promote APBs. Check out my thread on +APB rewards below.


    Tell us what you think! Would you mine/fish/excavate more if you knew you had a chance for a loot crate key from a treasure map?



    Walt and Xehons like this
  8. 5 hours ago, matth said:

    my suggestion is to reduce the amount of money you make on cop, 70% of the people only go onto cop to earn money no other reason, which is why people don't play asylum as much, we need to get rid of these robo cops! These cops don't even roleplay, for instance you speak to them for 5-10 mins all they say is they don't believe your story and give you a full ticket and off you go to prison

    +1 rp is shit on asylum

  9. Honestly Im just making examples nothing I say should be set in stone but ideas for the Devs to discuss on a more balanced matter.

    I dont know why you think attack helicopters is such a big deal.

    If its for solely an APB, then stored, it's not. It would in fact be a big deal if cops can just use them whenever they feel like.

    But for an APB, flying around a helicopter with CM burst, not so much.

    @Jaeger You're right. 7+ higher up might be a crazy idea, but who knows, if APB was to be enhanced and there were a ton of large bounties on all servers, it might become a reality.

    I feel that this would increase asylum, since asylum is mostly operated off crime/drugs/ect and not much RP.

    I mean, you're an admin but you seem to not know that much about mechanics. You type the most simplest things that contain hardly any thought.

    Im sorry for the insult, but your comments are so half-assed in this subject Id give you an F if I was your teacher.

    @Gnashes @Paratus

    Let me add this, another reason asylum is failing is due to the robo cops.

    They put zero effort into talking with the person and simply add charges and then blah blah blah.

    Its ridiculous. Even when a player puts in effort, the cops still give 100% tickets.

    Your server is fucking good as hell but the rules need upgrading and this needs to happen now or else you're fucked.


    Make a whitelisted server

  10. If they log off, who cares they won't get a reward. Give them a reason to NOT log off.

    If they made 1 APB evade give a loot crate KEY + 1 evade closer to the bigger prize, I can guarantee you nobody would log off.

    If you want to stop the rebel from flying around in a heli, then consider making a system where it takes a few High Ranking Officers,

    SGT/LT + to get confirmation from a Captain, or if no Captain is on, 7+ High Ranks, to pull out a specialized Kajman or BlackFoot that can ONLY be used for th is sole reason - to kill APB's flying around helicopters.

    This would only be a viable option IF you made it so APB only triggers  150k+ bounties and upgraded your reward system.


    Imagine how dope it would be to successfully dodge an attack helicopter? Putting the White Flares to use to dodge the heat missiles.

    It would bring excitement to the cops/rebels.

    The cops reward for killing APB could include getting paid for the ticket in full, rather than a reduced price. ONLY IF TARGET HAS APB. Once target dies, he looses the ABP and counts as him getting arrested so he will not get an apb evade added to his score.

    Having the pure enjoyment of being able to use attack heli's.

    If a system could be made to where you can have the cops get a similar achievement for "APB's Successfully Apprehended" and give a list of things they earn such as titles, more money per arrest (will promote robo cops I don't suggest this) , skins, ect

    will promote APB's on both sides to look forward to getting.

    I really think you will start to see way higher bounties on a lot more people because people will not want to get caught and won't take Govt pardons.

    It will make more groups so the APB is safer and people just more log on early mornings to get ahead of the game!



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