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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Ghost0fDawn

  1. Does anyone know what happens to your skiptracer talents if you decide to switch sides? Will it reset talents if you go rebel and go back to it? Would be a little extreme if you did all that work for tons of honor for something so simple to reset to 0.
  2. except cops are trigger happy as hell trying to defend themselves from this shitstorm and and every courthouse is an RDM beehive of bounty hunters.
  3. There's a word for mandatory tips: Purchase.
  4. No thanks. I like to stay organized and consolidated. The last thing I would want is to show up with random shit in my house. Other than that, cool.
  5. It's Time of month relevant. If they just make sure night time isn't overcast as well as keeping it a time of month were there is full moon, night time is visible. However, new moon time is still realistically dark.
  6. I agree. That's dumb. How many measures must they take to keep people from abusing mechanics to break rules when those people just get banned anyway. Too much punishment on the many for actions of few.
  7. Houses with convenient locationsare obviously more popular, thus why we can sell to others at a higher retail price. If you think being able to store weapons and gear NOT it's own reason to own a house, then that's your loss. 4/5 of my houses are not in a "valuable" map space, but I still get much desired use out of them.
  8. I was once THE hostage. (As a cop) and they still killed me when I said not to.
  9. Shadowplay uses your GPU.... mate.
  10. Oh yeah lets bring ultra-realism into it That's always gone so well
  11. I've went from a i7-4770K & GTX 760 + 8GB ram -> i7-6700K & GTX 980ti + 16GB ram, and there is a notable difference. However, only notable. That kind of change in a normal circumstance should otherwise be substantial. My game runs effectively at the same exact performance @4K resolution on my new PC as it did in 1080p on the old one. Since more pixels is simply more graphical information, there's no CPU tax. However, start increasing render distance, and the CPU has to take in all of the physics data that accompanies it. Including wind, weather, and ANYTHING happening in those far out scenes. Even stressing my machine, I could get up to about 7km object and terrain distance at 900p with a 20-25fps range. CPU gets hit hard. Partially due to the fact that arma 3 is a 32bit application and can't use hardware like it should.
  12. Except while true, Arma 3 doesn't use good utilization of multithreaded processes, if it all. If you want maximum performance from the CPU side, per-core performance is critical, which i5's are going to have over i7s. The future is full of surprises, perhaps arma 4 will (and hopefully) change that.
  13. That's exactly what I imagine someone who spent 5 years on a siren impression would look like.
  14. Right right lets continue then. We'll give people one-month real time to respond to the trial in-game. We'll also enact realistic jail time for crimes. Kill one person and you're set for life!
  15. 2025: Assassin's Creed 11 Far Cry 9 Battlefield 8 Mount & Blade 4 Witcher 6 Fallout 4 Call of Duty 19 GTA 7 FIFA 26 DayZ Early Access Alpha
  16. *eyeroll* No. There's really no difference on FPS. Yes things like water reflections may be slightly more taxing as it is a new feature being generated, but ultimately performance is going to be the same. It's merely the way light is generated and rendered in a scene. Besides, multiplayer FPS has always been shit.
  17. Except DayZ is a bankrupt snail crawl with worse framerates than KOTH and more broken features than the 2016 election candidates. While Arma 3 has had constant support and improvements, here's just to hoping at this rate we see 64bit Arma 4
  18. Except instead of the cleanup script taking your stuff a building, rock, or Kavala troll eats it up instead.
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