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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Boby

  1. what you are doing is really nice! great work! It suck that nobody really care for that type of RP and that you probably gave alot of your time to do this . Maybe you should try a hard RP server.
  2. maybe you are tired and find it more funny
  3. Hey lynx , its not like you crashed 3 orca this week man.. RIP ME
  4. wait a bit before buying it.
  5. Its a very light rp server buddy. get blindfold and they wont be able to communicate with each other
  6. Boby


    seem pretty Ignorant for me and not stupid. But now you just lowered yourself to his level. good job bud!
  7. Boby


    No ? Just said to chill. No need to call him a Idiot. Idiot are just stupid people. Maybe he is just Ignorant ? and need a little help. If he is Idiot well RIP for him.
  8. Boby


    Damn chill out son
  9. oh yeah, that. I thought you were talking about reviving faster and that only sergeant could do it. I never thought you didn't know well about ''cop'' buddy. Just thought you forgot to mention that corporal can also revive faster. but you weren't talking about that. so my bad I guess
  10. *Coporal and +* we get to have Medicperk too. but its is the same slot for Coporal and + so 4 medic max
  11. Cuba was nice, Now I have a tan and lost my liver. See you all in game
  12. Hey man I told you I was suicidal and WANTED TO DIE.
  13. Im sorry man, Im one of those guys. When I see a HEMMT I can not just let it go, IT HAS TO BE MINE.
  14. welcome, hope you enjoy your stay.
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