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APD Corporal
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Posts posted by Sp0on

  1. In-Game Name:Ladel/Sp0on


    Arma 3 hours: 2090

    Bank Balance: 16k(it varies but i never have a huge issue getting money)

    Have you ever been banned? yes rdmd hypanious and called gnashes a pos for using godmode and caught a 5 minute ban

    Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak? Ye

    Current and Past Gangs? weirdo gang, bambo union,dirty bastards, bratva,boats and hoes and now in no gang

    If in a current gang, why are you looking to leave? Kay

    Why do you want to join our gang?ive known your higher ups for a long time

    Do you know any members of our gang? Defragments DIMz Freddy Viking DJb(does he still play?)

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