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    Race car driver who enjoys fuc**** people up in arma or die trying

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  1. True but the screen is fucking OP, increases field view, runs 1MS and 240hz with Gsync and HDR 4k graphic and makes the game 50 times more realistic since it is actually so big you have to move your head to see the sides of the screen. It is basically 3 screens in 1
  2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  3. First montage I have made, hope you enjoy - All feedback is appreciated
  4. Becouse it can fly? Orca is still superiour going into combat same with ifrit. Only difference is that you get a heli-jet that moves fast and has large storage
  5. Owner stopped showing a interrest then later stopped paying for it, so it went down. So is the Ifrit the only difference is that the Xi'an can fly about the same to rip it if you weaken the glass, Difference is it takes 20 min to move a hemit across the map while the Xi'an gets the job done in 5m pluss it is more fun flying and you won't have to fight every 30 seconds moving cargo
  6. Had the unarmed infantry & vehicle transport of Xi'an on a server I played on a few years back then it was mostly used for drugs but they had switched out the window for a weaker one where a 6.5 used half a mag ish to penetrate the window and it worked pretty nicely on the server as most of the time when you get caught in the xi'an you are outside the vehicle gathering or carry a 7.62 to rip it
  7. It would be nice to have a VTOL Transport, personally I love flying and the Xi'an is a perfect mix between jets and helicopter. Altought it is a gunship it has many other purposes like cargo for items/ drugs, transport for vehicles as well as infantry it is of course not the best transport for a hotdrop but it will definitely make game play more fun and interresting if it was attempted in this way. If it where to be added it would be nice to have a 1k inventory maybe so it could be used like a tempest just for the sky, as well as make transport for items a million times faster and better and like most aircrafts it is not invincible
  8. I would say the scopes we have now would work perfectly fine on a sniper, nothing wrong with them. The gun dosn't change
  9. They count at snipers I guess, but snipers has "ALOT" more power and range compared to the mk's. It's basicly like comparing a 5.56 with 7.62. Snipers is more like a pation weapon where you find a good position and wait for how long it may take and can only shoot 1 shot per 2 sec and marksman rifles are semi-automatic rifles which is more middle range weapons used to take out 50 cal's/ mortar teams etc. They just have two different sides pretty much. If you have tried a 5.56 and tested the range / dmg etc you know it's ALOT weaker then a 7.62 but imagen a 7.62 compared to a 308. the rounds are WAY more powerful and the range is increased with atleast 10x lol.
  10. Please, just please concider adding a sniper rifle to the rebel side, mainly becouse snipers would make it a bit more realistic tactic vice and more fun to chase down, also pathfinder and since I already said pathfinder I guess biopads to for heavy machine guns with big recoil. We have RPG's, Miniguns and heavy/ light machine guns & sucide vest, if they don't get abused the sniper won't Make it a expencive, like 80-100k. The MK's are good to, but snipers are more fun using "TU | RetroField / lolma"
  11. Please remove the timer on server 3 or delay it
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