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APD Captain
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Everything posted by Leady

  1. http://www.identityrpg.com/community/topic/4-announcing-gameplay-modules/
  2. This is going nowhere. Locking.
  3. Woot woot! Ill just be over here swerviling
  4. These are fantastic, Keep it up.
  5. Leady


    As I already told you when you combat log in police restraints you go directly to jail when you log back in. Be happy its 45mins and not a 3 day vacation.
  6. This thread is going places, not good places, but yeah places.
  7. Unlocking, If this behavior continues expect points and mod que.
  8. That would be mud you are stuck in, usually found under pine trees. Methlab area is really bad for this.
  9. Gonna miss your shenanigans o7 mate
  10. Just gonna leave this here.
  11. Due to an update from BIS veteran is now forced first person. Lesser of two evils.
  12. A couple of work around until there is an Arma update. If you go to Arma menu-Parameters-Advanced-Malloc- tbb4malloc_bi and/or Disable any launch parameters you have. Part of the update from BIS included changes to the Arma launcher that may be causing these.
  13. Yeah just going to end this here.
  14. Don't you dare give up on her!
  15. Leady

    Switching Roles

    If you switch from role to role and get the black screen that says "You have recently played a different role and must wait before switching, Please return to lobby" You must return to lobby and wait the 7 minutes. If you attempt to circumnavigate this screen by suicide or any other means it will glitch and wipe your bank account. I've seen an increased number of compensation reports recently for this. Just return to lobby and wait. The screen was designed to prevent meta-gaming. That being said there is a grace period immediately after a server restart if you load into the incorrect role you do have time to switch without penalty. Since I don't have anything else to add, here is a picture of an adorable puppy.
  16. We are aware s6 is down and its being looked into.
  17. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, keep missing when they launch the tests.
  18. Unfortunately the spread of the ammo is so great if you aim in the same general direction everything goes down. A shotgun can take town the c130
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