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Miss Evo

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Everything posted by Miss Evo

  1. 48 so you can fit 2 in a large backpack? sell for 15k seen as they arent easy to get the way i propose and also same for silver but maybe 10k sale
  2. tried removing your squad url? guessing you have one because thats the main issue
  3. some have used (some still) 3rd party apps, there's one that was banned for it on another server that i know of. I dont think he plays anymore, not on his main account at least
  4. when you want to say something but you'll get another one of these
  5. no hymen, i hope you dont get it so you can hurry up and fucking prime your cs account
  6. idk how often feds happen but this will probably increase them
  7. thats what they're called, i guess silver could work just as well
  8. aimed towards people with houses tbh, stockpile gold and sell in hemtt loads, cant store bars in crates like with normal ones to prevent duping
  9. After reading title of jimbos thread it reminded me of an idea i had a very very long time ago when excavating was the best way to make money. DISCLAIMER: Please correct me if i have info wrong because... well you know why. When excavating you sometimes get gold something (can't remember what they're called). I propose that you can press them into gold bars for an alternate way of making money. To start with, i would suggest the small town of Orino North East of DP11. This place could easily be renovated. In general i would suggest an area that is relatively far away from any excavation sites to make it harder to make money. Now about how much makes 1 gold bar, I believe gold weighs 3 so maybe something like 30 so you can't make a ton of them for a huge profit. I would say the license for this should be $50k or up seen as how profitable it could be. But the processing time per bar could be around 5 mins due to how good profit this could be in bulk. To sell you go to the fed. (maybe make a small building outside to sell?) I would say they sell for $15-$20k seen as the process is legal although risky and long. (maybe name it small gold bar). A nice little dynamic would be that every 2/3 bars sold to the fed 1 would spawn in a random vault so if your gang does a gold bar run you could then risk robbing it and getting even more profit and selling them at rebel. Same can be done with silver and maybe add silver bars, sell for $10k-$15k and add silver bars to fed and sold at rebel for like $18k ( @Bikstok's idea) Sorry if it's a shit idea i haven't been able to play asylum of course but i still want to contribute to the community If you would like to suggest something feel free
  10. pay money to move cars between island? would be good idea, maybe 25% of vehicle cost to move it
  11. like churu said, corruption is a real thing as well
  12. there's a server called critical gaming, think you'd like it
  13. gnashes never found me doing it, although i didnt sell it so thats probably why (rip 1000 buckets)
  14. guessing you're on ultra, thats your problem
  15. get keys, sell to some pleb, buy a new one for yourself
  16. verify game, if that doesnt work reinstall battle eye might
  17. idk if plarka is supreme grand leader of the chinese but here's his steam would give you their YY but you probably don't know chinese. just navigate through the forest of private profiles to find other chinese like sk, sg, baidu and chinese symbol name
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