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Everything posted by DJB

  1. Lmao oh you already know.
  2. I'm probably supposed to keep shit like this a secret but fuck it. #f dead makes your face look as if you are playing dead. There ya go happy b day lol. Figured why not spread the fun people could be having with this. When you do it your face don't move when you talk so its pretty funny.
  3. Just a friendly warning that I will be making a big come back and I will be going server to server blowing up crank trucks and killing people. Death is here with RPG's, MK's and Sui vests so be afraid.
  4. DJB

    Change log 8.0.0

    Hey Mr bamf umm what are the rules of engagement pertaining the RV. I mean can I shoot up a truck that is making crank or do I have to initiate? I've been reading but couldn't find anything specifically about this subject. Thanks if you can answer for me mane, awesome work on all parts <3 Asylum
  5. Yo if someone is making crank are they shoot on sight? Like is their vehicle area red zone? Do ya know bro? Or do you initiate?
  6. But.. I like to snipe people in Kavala for fun...
  7. Wow is all I can say, as a fellow popo I can say this would be amazing if added imo. +9000
  8. DJB

    "RP" Non existent

    Ahh one of my personal favorites.
  9. Yeah bro this sort of thing actually happens a lot now that I think about it more. lmao
  10. Lmfao for real, I was always somewhat careful when recruiting in the past. Next we going to see some next level strats, gangs going to be sending in assassins to infiltrate other gangs.
  11. So what you did isn't meta gaming? More specifically telling where people are using steam. Very funny though and a very nice video, good editing skills and stuff. @Alec-I
  12. Okay I take it back. <3
  13. @Olio The Rasheed guy above this comment said something very bad.
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