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Sleeper Don

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Sleeper Don

  1. Can we rename house names we see in spawn menu? For example "Cocaine Pro house" instead of "Small Stone House"
  2. Looking for 3 crater anywhere within this general area : https://gyazo.com/5f0a748d39afb425255caba7d4bfa365 I'll pay premium price for any 3 crater near this little compound: https://gyazo.com/cb9c324ed4d534f04eb7179410473069 / https://gyazo.com/b20ab3a56d6f31a14491be65c45692cf If you're wanting to sell hit me up.
  3. https://gyazo.com/fad23404cabcd5a8af663a4c17ab7230 https://gyazo.com/03205104e7dcd459e75b7544ff8b597f
  4. You should be able to pay a half ticket when turning yourself into the courthouse. Sometimes I am trying to turn myself in but the cops are either too busy or don't want to respond at all. If I am able to get an auto half ticket if I turn myself into the cops why can't I get an auto half when I pay at the court house?
  5. LMFAO! Last part killed meπŸ’€
  6. That would be awesome too. I just hate having to look on map all the time.
  7. On KOH you can see your team members and their names on the GPS. Another cool feature is if you tap windows key your team member's name will show up besides their hex. It would be nice to not have to pull up the map to see who is who. Examples: https://gyazo.com/560b2fa3940177c8b615b0b1a7f2f252 https://gyazo.com/92329c423eb71c2174931fceb74a7d65
  8. Instead of criticizing me how about one of you link me your aimbot.exe download so I can look like a pro Arma 3 player and make sick montages!? 😜
  9. Basically paying $100 per barley. If interested hit me up on here or in game to make appointment for delivery.
  10. Server: 1 House 1 crate virtual fully upgraded Location: 600m from ephedra Asking Price: 100k Description: Awesome house for running meth / crank. It is really close to phosphorus mine too. Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/ce4fd183325119575b17825537b2d784
  11. Should update GPS and Hex system. On KOH you can see your team members and their names on the GPS. Another cool feature is if you tap windows key your team member's name will show up besides their hex. Example: https://gyazo.com/560b2fa3940177c8b615b0b1a7f2f252 https://gyazo.com/92329c423eb71c2174931fceb74a7d65
  12. You should increase market price of crank to at least 1k each...
  13. Server: 1 shed 3000 virtual inv and 200 physical storage Location: near kavala air and weed processing price: 350K obo Description: Awesome house for cooking crank , doing weed and robbing air shop. Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/d1f2e10515dcddcdf0b052c5eeb074ce https://gyazo.com/662a672e0232c723061028ce5865c22d https://gyazo.com/573f32d2dfa824b5d929d854717bb75c
  14. Server: 1 House 40k Location: in red zone of ephedra Asking Price: 100k obo Description: Awesome house for running meth/ crank. It is close to phosphorus mine. Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/acae22e05e4448174dd5cd31648b7a0c
  15. Server: 1 House 40k Location: 600m from ephedra Asking Price: 500k obo Description: Awesome house for running meth/ crank. It is really close to phosphorus mine. Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/ce4fd183325119575b17825537b2d784
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