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Sheriff Rick Grimes

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Everything posted by Sheriff Rick Grimes

  1. Restarting my PC usually fixes it but you've probably already done that
  2. Get bamf to make a strife patch then
  3. Nah, nobody will ever convince me on Pilot Coveralls. Anyone I ever shoot with coveralls tanks bullets more than any other armor. Especially against lower calibers like 6.5 and 5.56
  4. The caps should've been moved around, for sure. Malden itself though worked well for strife. Though if they can keep a solid playerbase on tanoa and remove jets then i'd be happy
  5. Loots crates that have pilot coveralls don't make enough?
  6. I don't really care for the wetsuits. But people wanted those for ages and they sieze on that by putting it behind a paywall. It is kind of bullshit
  7. No. Jets are way too OP for what strife is. They serve no purpose other than to spawn rape. They're too fast to even lock onto with static AA. People need to get better skill and learn how to use rotorlib if they wanna keep camping objectives from the air with little risk.
  8. Remove the fucking jets off of strife
  9. You can shoot out of the van holy fuck holy fuck
  10. How much longer we got for strife?
  11. My only wish is that they don't nerf crank. It's a fun new way to make money that's different from anything else. Easily the most fun I've had making money.
  12. I hear middle eastern women have very nice ankle
  13. Annnnnnnnnd now it's gonna be nerfed again. IF IT'S NOT METH THEN IT CAN'T BE PROFITABLE
  14. Lmao we all know it's gonna get nerfed. Asylum economics is that if it's not meth then it can't be profitable
  15. No one is going to do it if it can all blow up on you.
  16. This right here. It will effectively kill their new feature.
  17. If a taru is 150k then also having rotorlib enabled is just over kill.
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