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Everything posted by Junke

  1. Smh so hard to push APD suggestions in this community. Its a simple carrier lite. Its even worse armor than the csats and a vest. So, some constructive criticism for the ones who are voting no would be nice.
  2. Yeah go fight him in game!
  3. Good update i can finally drop a warrant that's an APB. PINOY boys are about to run new players in Sofia.
  4. Fuck this guy. #1 admin abuser. Bombs me with a buzzard every 5 seconds.
  5. You dont get on because you guys get wiped off the server everytime
  6. Junke


    is it the "Fetch me their souls" horn?
  7. You weren't a threat and nobody really knows who you are
  8. Putting this here because apparently this suggestion wasn't put in the "Developer Section" of the Forums @Patato
  9. If you fight them you guys push once, get wiped, log off.
  10. Gonna be like hunting grounds. Cool for 2 days and then no one ever does it again.
  11. If lethal payouts happen im turning into @Bilbo Baggins
  12. Junke

    Exterminator Tag

    damn so he gets on the Asylum forums now to cope because it is the only connection he has anymore RIP
  13. Junke

    Exterminator Tag

    Wow good one! "Plague boy" you just about ended his whole career!
  14. No, people already jump off buildings/towers, jump out of cars, and grenade themselves enough. Downvote
  15. or for the love of god just remove it
  16. First of all dom is up 4 days of the week at varying times so that isnt an issue. Second of all, you should be rewarded for being the top gang. Not everyone should get a "I play Asylum" participation trophy and a bunch of skins. Maybe as a gang you guys should be come the "Top Dom gang". Earn it. Its called progression, you get better at the game as you play and therefore get rewarded.
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