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Everything posted by Defragments

  1. https://i.gyazo.com/e6636d5fa6fba4ee1d7da430ca619c4c.mp4
  2. Application denied. Good luck with your future applications! We here at the Imperium recruitment office thank YOU, for keeping Imperium clean! Thank you concerned civilian!
  3. You should be grateful for the Mx. I'm sure people remember the only options a while back were the sting, trg-20, vermin and PO7
  4. See ya. By the way > @Defragments
  5. I don't care if you know about my gang. Knowing about my gang is irrelevant to this post. I just thought it was funny that someone did that.
  6. Was never in Innovative. Not sure I was even playing back when they were around
  7. Me neither until just now. Someone made a gang to imitate mine, Imperium, to cap cartels while we're off and hope we don't notice.
  8. Thank you for your helpful comment. I didn't think of just switching servers. I'll go do that now!
  9. Well like I'm sure I'm not the only player that just waits for 3 to go back up to play Asylum. I know most, if not all of my gang only get on when 3 is up.
  10. I'll just wait for 3 to come up. I would rather just wait, but it doesn't hurt to make a suggestion to see if I can get it changed again.
  11. Always has the most players at this time. Stop it from going offline. It doesn't make the other servers more populated, it makes people get off because their server is down.
  12. Recruitment is very limited right now. We have plenty of members.
  13. Accepted as recruit. Discord PM'd Denied. Hasn't been on since being accepted.
  14. Accepted as recruit. Discord PM'd. Application denied. Good luck with your future applications!
  15. Application denied. Good luck with your future applications!
  16. Application denied. Good luck with your future applications!
  17. Recruitment is now LIMITED, as we have acquired a decent number of players recently.
  18. Accepted because you're a good person. Discord PM'd.
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