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Tam Hawnx

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Posts posted by Tam Hawnx

  1. Just now, Gnashes said:

    Maybe that's why we're killing Tanoa.

    Just a thought.

    Because people use it as a money farm?  I dont understand what youre referring to..  Zorrak was referring to you killing me while I was trying to process coke insinuating my death is the cost.  What are you referring to, because it doesnt really fit the conversation and still make sense....

  2. Just now, Zorrak said:

    boy you are getting killed by a weeb, grow some balls and kidnap him he cant respawn then...

    He's camping at coke processing completely camo'd out.  How can we even see him, let alone fight him?  I dont run with a group..  just me, and people dont kill others at coke processing...  its pretty friendly for the most part..  so frankly people arent ready for a fight because we havent had to in the past.

  3. @bamf @Eli 

    theres evidence suggesting that gnashes is spawning stuff in using scripts.  

    Can we please have an admin look into this?  Treating your community like crap I can get over, but cheating against your community should be absolutely zero tolerance.  This should at least warrant an investigation of whether or not [COKEKILLAS] <PG> Bobby is scripting.

    [RPG] <PG> Bobby

    [COKEKILLAS] <PG> Bobby

    drex likes this
  4. 1) Will it be on the Tanoa map?  (sorry, not familiar with other Arma mods other than Altis)

    2) If so, will we still be able to keep out houses?  (if its still the same map Tanoa)

    So basically my only questions are: will it be on the same map, and if so will we be able to keep our houses and crates?

    If this has been answered I apologize, as I couldnt find it anywhere.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Axe said:

    Working as intended

    Anti-rat functions. Slowly despawns low tier ammo to keep rats from sitting in houses all day

    Do you truly lack the intelligence that your post suggests?  This is what happens when a community is saturated with children.  No shocker to find out that only morons, and the unemployed reply.  LOL

    Philv2.0 likes this
  6. 19 hours ago, Raul Menendez said:

    As a past owner, the whole "Donation thing" is a bit of a scam to be honest. Now donations do help however you profit 3-5x more than what you need usually per month (Thats what I'm assuming for asylum since they either rent a dedicated box or buy one which can go up to the thousands) When I ran a server on a different platform I got around $1750 in a month. Thats around 20x then what you need, so in a way donations aren't really donations. It's labeled as that, your purchasing virtual items. 

    Someone with intellectual, cognitive thinking!  My thoughts exactly!

  7. 9 hours ago, wollie35 said:

    Can someone put this guy in modque or some shit or give him the 40 lockpicks so I can steal them of him

      Reveal hidden contents

    Jk, let's be real who plays Tanoa, besides the Mongols gang (the name not actual mongols)


    Don't try to run Coke bro.  Ask M0NGS or whatever that gang is how many hundreds of thousands dollars I've robbed from them.  Haha.  You cant rob a guy that has nothing. ;)

  8. 20 hours ago, Clint Beastwood said:

    Cant I just give you 40 lock picks on S5 and we end this madness?



    Bahah, 40?  I go through them in 1 hour. (I rob coke runners) The issue is fixed, I think it had to do with the amount of time from when I hit the Sync button and logged out.

  9. Just now, Midamaru said:

    Well then i wish you best of luck :)

    Yeah, I hope it gets corrected.  I was just able to transfer 40 lock pick to my house on S5, so it's at least an intermittent issue and not completely broken.  

    Unless I am of course breaking rules.............

  10. Just now, Midamaru said:

    I understand your expectation, but i'm just disagreeing with your view of a donation.

    Whatever is broken i hope they'll look into it, but Asylum Entertainment does not owe shit to it's donators.

    I suppose it can still be a donation, but it's a motivated financial decision due to what is given once the "donation" is made.  If you don't think that a community that requires donations to stay profitable or even just keep the lights on shouldn't take care of the people that donate money, is probably why the community is in the debacle that it's in. 

    Make no mistake, this is run as a business, and the folks who donate are the customers...  Maybe not to the extent to where GL reports, P&L reports, things like that... but fundamentally this is a "I have a product, and it's free, but if you want a Better Experience you can pay either 1 of 5 tiers."

    That's a basic business model.

    Juan Pablo Ledezma likes this
  11. Just now, Midamaru said:

    I'ma stay out of this but i'm just telling you that you donated to the server. You didn't buy the perk of getting debit card :P

    Saying "I donated for this shit" doesn't get you anywhere.

    When there's a clear value/benefit for the donation it goes from being a donation (or a perceived benefit or tangible items) to a purchase, and as a business owner, anyone that purchases something from me that doesnt work according to the expectations, my staff and I have to act accordingly to address the issue.  I'm not saying that Bamf, or whoever heads this community isnt attempting to fix the issues...  My problem is when there's a blatant issue that's being passed off as operationally incorrect, or a lack of understanding how things work.

    That's clearly not what's happening here.

    Juan Pablo Ledezma and Cifunds like this
  12. @Gnashes

    I know you think you're smarter than everyone here, and we've discussed this a few times and every time we do you lock my thread... but it's still happening.  Now it's not just lock picks, but it's my debit card as well.

    know that there's an issue.  Debit cards should not be disappearing out of my inventory just because I logged off Server 5 or vice versa.  You can try to discredit my intelligence on how to properly sync, but when items that don't have to be synced are disappearing it makes it hard to place blame any where other than the server.

    Please fix this.  I donated to have a debit card, and now it's not working.  If anyone else is having this issue, please let us know.

  13. 3 hours ago, Tusken Raider said:

    Clearly someone more important than you considering you've been apart of this community for over a year and you don't know basic game mechanics. You can't take a joke and try to throw insults, I feel sorry that you're 37, don't understand humor, and can't comprehend basic things. It's pretty sad that they're are so called "kids" that have done more in under half your life than you'll ever do. So please go back into your hole and leave me alone.

    LOL I really did laugh out loud.  I dont even know who you are or why you are following me in threads, but its a bit creepy.  Find something else to do with your time big guy.. 

    Manolo likes this
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