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abdul karim azeem

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Everything posted by abdul karim azeem

  1. thanks for the overwhelming response, i cant come to grips with how this community has come together to free their innocent, its truly heartwarming. This is something my family will be proud of, and something I will show my children when im older, a bunch of sweaty greasy gamers coming together over one key thing they have in common, injustice. brings a tear to my eye. wise words from the man under scrunity s/o to @Jacob Suarezwho said free abdul on another server
  2. He means Heisenberg, Which means Meth Lab, He is selling the 1c that is near Jeuze's compound
  3. im sorry guys, #freeabdul if i get unbanned i will join darkwater.
  4. some say the holy trinity is booze, birds and bants according to asylum staff the holy trinity is abdul, cracka and jarvo all banned joining the late and great nimrods thank you @Natha for my ban, and thank you @Mason for @Free Stratis& @cracka 's ban
  5. ngl free gape n all that me and @cracka could do a better disstrack and we got severe autism. wheres the bars man:(
  6. ahahahah kyle chill out wtf, dont start crying. please just take a deep breath :((((( just think breathe in for 8, out for 8. control your breathing you're panicking kyle https://www.parents.com/toddlers-preschoolers/discipline/tantrum/a-parents-guide-to-temper-tantrums/
  7. no.1 backcapper, only ever held a point for 2 mins, darkwater fatty dommy pay outs lets frickin gooo. me and jarvo playing as a two man get more money than u do with ur 10 man, talk less retard
  8. imagine thinking for 2 weeks for something to comeback with, and all ur 12 year old undeveloped brain can come up with is "lol u ban evade ! ! !" when he didnt even ban evade MAKE SURE U GET UR DW TAGS ON FOR DOMINATION, YOU AVERAGE 1 KILL PER EVENT and u even got clipped in the best troll montage of 2021 go check it out, ur boyfriend lucas is there too rhett
  9. duno some fella from down the street ladies and gentlemen we got him, @Heidelberg
  10. honestly lad, who cares. bigger things to change on the server. lets suggest something for the sake of a suggestion !
  11. i forgot to add the clip of u paint balling me bherky wherky herky lerky perkhy mkherky schwerky fehrky, itll be in the next one bherky wherky herky lerky perkhy mkherky schwerky fehrky, but i guess it will have to do for now bherky wherky herky lerky perkhy mkherky schwerky fehrky. Thanks for the kind words bherky wherky herky lerky perkhy mkherky schwerky fehrky. career cop dont have perms to flame on my threads, no talk
  12. no u beautiful *ban evading please dont ban me baby ahahaha i love it on asylum ahahahah please baby ahahahahaha i love it here ahahahah i beg you mitch aahahaa i been told by some sources that they check chat logs, i will never be a mod i run sidechat too much. but i would love to serve under mitch, my saviour ❤️
  13. u stole the show at the end, miss u ❤️ manhua my brother, dont combat log the server has gone crazy without you ill bash ur head in u fat yank mr chow please dont arrest me
  14. dont mess with ruckers ! mr wang, ive told u they are scary people
  15. Billboard Baby, Dua Lipa make 'em dance when it come on, Everybody lookin' for a dance floor to run on, wheres dababy retard
  16. why has my business been taken down?

    1. cracka


      Fax, its daylight robbery, the rich wants to keep the poor poor bruh.

  17. no honourable mentions? ahahahah fuck you too you dirty little retard cunt, i hope someone pisses on your bed and also gives you a smeg check at ur boarding school, and i hope you didn’t shower that morning and you have a really smeggy cock and u get called cheesy cock for the rest of your life, and then one day you think fuck it and put the rope around your neck and then just knock the chair from beneath ur feet and u just levitate in that boarding school room for a whole month straight before your family even have a clue about your smeggy fucking cock
  18. make a turf and make it have a wongs dealer but only in that one as a benefit
  19. heshang what did i say, i want chinese porn not chinese corn wtf
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