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APD Corporal
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  1. Destrah liked a post in a topic by USCCHRIS in Guard duty message on Cop   
    In my opinion, the guard duty message that you receive for prison breaks should be changed. Currently it pops up in the middle of your screen and stops you from doing anything other than accept or deny and it has gotten me killed in multiple gun fights.
    It should be changed to a message in the middle of your screen saying to hit whatever button to accept guard duty, that way it doesn't interfere with whatever you're doing. 
  2. The Monopoly Man liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Donor Town APD HQ   
    You doing alright man? I'm here if you need to talk to someone. Telling someone to take their own life over a suggestion makes me think things aren't going so well for you.
  3. Crunchedd liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Donor Town APD HQ   
    You doing alright man? I'm here if you need to talk to someone. Telling someone to take their own life over a suggestion makes me think things aren't going so well for you.
  4. mast liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Donor Town APD HQ   
    You doing alright man? I'm here if you need to talk to someone. Telling someone to take their own life over a suggestion makes me think things aren't going so well for you.
  5. Hanzo/Dirty Scrubz liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Donor Town APD HQ   
    You doing alright man? I'm here if you need to talk to someone. Telling someone to take their own life over a suggestion makes me think things aren't going so well for you.
  6. Ewephoric liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Donor Town APD HQ   
    You doing alright man? I'm here if you need to talk to someone. Telling someone to take their own life over a suggestion makes me think things aren't going so well for you.
  7. Beef... liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Cop payouts   
    I honestly think one of the best ways to stop people playing cop for just money is to remove payouts from paying tickets, arresting, and parole. Make it an increased paycheck that also increases when you rank up. Then make all gear (guns, clothes, equipment) free, but not vehicles.
    People aren't playing cop for just money anymore and more likely to increase communication (RP) during processing Getting paid no matter what. Even if its a slow day and not much crime going on Payment amount will be more equivalent to the actual cost of using equipment at a given rank. People would be more inclined to give appropriate punishment (ticket, parole, pardon) during a longer processing. Now they get paid no matter what during a lengthy processing. Cons:
    I guess it could be argued having free gear would make zerg rushing worse, but I would disagree. One of the main reasons people go back is so they have a chance to kill/capture someone to make their money back. However, if their gear is free they would be less inclined to go back and just call it a day when necessary. Not going to make as much as before most likely I'm sure there are other pros and cons, but I only put about 5-10 minutes of thought into this.
  8. sakha liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Cop payouts   
    I honestly think one of the best ways to stop people playing cop for just money is to remove payouts from paying tickets, arresting, and parole. Make it an increased paycheck that also increases when you rank up. Then make all gear (guns, clothes, equipment) free, but not vehicles.
    People aren't playing cop for just money anymore and more likely to increase communication (RP) during processing Getting paid no matter what. Even if its a slow day and not much crime going on Payment amount will be more equivalent to the actual cost of using equipment at a given rank. People would be more inclined to give appropriate punishment (ticket, parole, pardon) during a longer processing. Now they get paid no matter what during a lengthy processing. Cons:
    I guess it could be argued having free gear would make zerg rushing worse, but I would disagree. One of the main reasons people go back is so they have a chance to kill/capture someone to make their money back. However, if their gear is free they would be less inclined to go back and just call it a day when necessary. Not going to make as much as before most likely I'm sure there are other pros and cons, but I only put about 5-10 minutes of thought into this.
  9. HotWings liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Cop payouts   
    I honestly think one of the best ways to stop people playing cop for just money is to remove payouts from paying tickets, arresting, and parole. Make it an increased paycheck that also increases when you rank up. Then make all gear (guns, clothes, equipment) free, but not vehicles.
    People aren't playing cop for just money anymore and more likely to increase communication (RP) during processing Getting paid no matter what. Even if its a slow day and not much crime going on Payment amount will be more equivalent to the actual cost of using equipment at a given rank. People would be more inclined to give appropriate punishment (ticket, parole, pardon) during a longer processing. Now they get paid no matter what during a lengthy processing. Cons:
    I guess it could be argued having free gear would make zerg rushing worse, but I would disagree. One of the main reasons people go back is so they have a chance to kill/capture someone to make their money back. However, if their gear is free they would be less inclined to go back and just call it a day when necessary. Not going to make as much as before most likely I'm sure there are other pros and cons, but I only put about 5-10 minutes of thought into this.
  10. sakha liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Instead of closing suggestions because they are not realistic lets discuss them   
    I always lost respect for people that would close suggestions because they were told no to it already. That doesn't matter. The suggestions can still lead to other ideas which could be added. Unless the thread is derailed and/or a shit show then there is no point to close it.
  11. Heidelberg liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Suggestions about Bounty Hunters   
    Direct chat text isn't initiation btw.
    Edit: Nvm thought you meant chat as in text.
  12. Destrah liked a post in a topic by Bikstok in Staff Transparency   
    Here's the main difference though:
    Dedicated cartel players have maybe 2 houses with loadouts in them. Usually only on their home server and with maximum 15 loadouts. They have to spend a considerable amount of time buying this gear at rebel with massive risks. This results in them actually not gearing from their houses the majority of time, because it's such a hassle to refill your house.
    Some admins have 5 houses on every server filled with hundreds of loadouts scripted in. The houses are spread in central locations throughout the map, so whenever the admin dies, he can return to the situation fully geared within minutes. This probably wouldn't be such a big issue if all admins had enough self-control to wait a reasonable time before returning. However, we all know that people (admins included) can get pretty heated from dying, and usually want to redeem themselves (or save their friends).
    The ability to script in gear opens so many possibilities of abuse. I remember a certain mod switching from a BH loadout to a rebel loadout mid combat. I have also seen many admins pretend to own houses with loadouts. Did I report them? Fuck no. In my experience CMs rarely take any action on reports against admins, either due to lack of evidence or just plain lack of interest.
    So many admins have become incredibly lazy when it comes to regearing. You really should try playing the game like the rest of us..
  13. Mike Stmria liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Staff Transparency   
    Man, this thread derailed fast and turned into a bunch of personal anecdotes.
  14. Destrah liked a post in a topic by Sneaky in Staff Transparency   
    I will only speak for myself on this. If I am playing and someone breaks a rule in front of my then I will put a ban in. A violation such as VDM/CL is easy to understand without reviewing video. For exploits and RDM I always review the shadow-play video prior to taking action and I only take action after i review the footage. People who play cop with me know this because I spend a lot of cop time semi afk trying to watch videos. It has been a good habit because on occasion I will not put the ban in because of an initiation I didnt catch etc. This is something that all admins really should be doing to prevent that "frustration/payback" ban. sometimes there are annoying situations where you get overwhelmed and aren't in the best state of mind. In that instance they really should be running shadow-play to make sure they are correct before addressing the problem.
       Admins will always have faults because we are people and have emotional responses to situations just like every player. The most important thing is to make sure admins are reflecting on their own decisions to make sure they are upholding the fair spirit of game play for everyone. Whether this is wrongful bans or the huge problem of overusing explosive devices in game. Right now I agree that a lot of admins use too many explosives and it even gets under my skin when I play in that environment. Spawning in gear to me has been OK so long as it is at your house or rebel vendor with no combat.
       I think rules and numbers are challenging to address when it comes to preventing abuse. The most important thing is for admins to look at their usage of grenades and speed bombs/vests. Not only that but compare it to how receptive the players are to the situations you've used them in. If you just used 3 speedbombs and i search you to find 4 RPGs and 6 grenades then you are doing too much. Now your friend comes to suicide vest me while you're in custody. That is a shitty experience for players and admins themselves need to realize that. I think we are past Jin level (30+ grenades at prison break) but there is still room for improvement and there always will be. 
       I do want to thank everyone for providing feedback about this situation in a mature manner.
  15. Destrah liked a post in a topic by Bikstok in Staff Transparency   
    The biggest problem with admins having debug console is them spawning gear while fighting. They can get access to gear much quicker than regular players. Examples:
    Your friends got caught, so you spawn in a suicide vest and arrive much quicker to the situation than a normal player would be able to. You ran out of RPG rockets while fighting, so you spawn another one in. Who would really notice? Someone is sitting in a water spot, so you spawn in another grenade to kill him. Trust me, stuff like this happens on a regular basis, and it's basically impossible for players to report.
  16. Olivia liked a post in a topic by Destrah in APD FAQ/Grey Area   
    I don't really see the reason for "turning a blind eye". If a person is saying that his family needs to be rescued and you believe him why would you just let him go? You should probably go with him to help out and rescue his family if you are going to follow along with his RP. Otherwise, its pointless to do so because you are failing your job to assist civilians in need and could honestly be looked at as corruption from a 3rd party point of view. This is because say you just talk to a guy for about 1 minute that is wanted and you don't ticket or anything and a rival gang members sees this. Then, the person you just let go ends up killing some people in the rival gang member's gang. That rival gang member is going to view that as corruption.
    I honestly see no point to the transportation thing and again could easily be seen as corruption from a 3rd party.
  17. Midamaru liked a post in a topic by Destrah in APD FAQ/Grey Area   
    I don't really see the reason for "turning a blind eye". If a person is saying that his family needs to be rescued and you believe him why would you just let him go? You should probably go with him to help out and rescue his family if you are going to follow along with his RP. Otherwise, its pointless to do so because you are failing your job to assist civilians in need and could honestly be looked at as corruption from a 3rd party point of view. This is because say you just talk to a guy for about 1 minute that is wanted and you don't ticket or anything and a rival gang members sees this. Then, the person you just let go ends up killing some people in the rival gang member's gang. That rival gang member is going to view that as corruption.
    I honestly see no point to the transportation thing and again could easily be seen as corruption from a 3rd party.
  18. Le Razoir liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Showcase your Internet speed   
    Silly Quebecois, you should probably hide that share link if you don't want people to find out which University you are at.
  19. massi liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Showcase your Internet speed   
    Silly Quebecois, you should probably hide that share link if you don't want people to find out which University you are at.
  20. Goldy liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Change Log 7.7.3   
    Repairing vehicles is bugged. At least for cops.
  21. Destrah liked a post in a topic by ₴avagє in Change Log 7.7.2   
    I don't care if you agree with me or not. But you do not treat others as you have been treated.  Again, I'm not bothered by it. I just opine that it is not factual.
  22. Destrah liked a post in a topic by .Sean in Change Log 7.7.2   
    I respect people that respect others @Gnashesis not one of those people, if you ever have said anything about him or have an opinion on him that he doesn't favor he'll bm the fuck outta you. I know first hand. The people I respect are the actual devs including paratus which many of you think he's silent but he's doing just as much as bamf in different ways.
    and for that last sentence in your pointless rant over a joke a lot of the people on here want to hear from the devs because we've donated a massive amount of money to asylum, whether it's privately buying money, buying loot crate keys or donating money for donor levels that are at this moment obsolete. So yes a lot of us feel we deserve a roadmap or a statement on the servers, their performance and the future of asylum. That doesn't mean we'll get it but we at least want it because for a lot of us this hobby is an investment aka buying money to enjoy the game (cartels) or for loot crate items that are end game content like coveralls csat ghillies or even ifrit skins. I've bought literally over a hundred dollars in keys and hundreds in money just to enjoy asylum I for sure want to know what's going on, even if it is just a "hobby" which if it is it sure is a enormously profitable hobby at this point.
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